Shopping Trip

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 It was the weekend before they all returned to school. Resu lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She was sifting through the memories she had acquired over the break. A smile found its way across her face as fondly remembered how everyone had changed, in some way or form.

Well. Except for her.

Resu rolled onto her stomach and yelled into her pillow. Was she really meant to be with Karasuno? They had three managers now; surely that was one too many. And that one would be her. What if when they went back they got rid of her? What if -

Her phone buzzed. Annoyed, she reached out a hand and adjusted herself so she could read the screen. Her eyes widened at the name.

hiya resu-channnnn!! me and iwa were wondering if you wanted to come shopping with us! σ(≧ε≦o) we're going to akihabara, and i know that's ur favorite place ;))))

Resu let out a groan. Oikawa was right - that was her favorite place to shop. She hadn't been there in nearly a year. Sitting up, she replied a dry "when" and lumbered over to her closet. Resu picked out a black tank top and gray shorts to wear, considering the heat of the season. She glanced back at her phone to see if the bastard had replied.

i'm outside ur house rn :)

She let out a groan, grabbed her phone and left her room. Her siblings were at work, so at least she didn't have to go through the trouble of explaining were she was going. Resu slipped on some black flip-flops and opened the front door.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi stood outside as said, the former wearing a shit-eating grin. He waved energetically and reached out for a hug, crest-fallen as Resu stepped past him.

"Let's get going before I die of this heat," she said with a smirk, challenging Iwa to a race to the train station.

The two of them were panting and sweating by the time they got there, with Oikawa trailing behind without a drop of sweat on his pretty face. They boarded the train, Resu bouncing her leg excitedly at the prospect of buying new merch when they arrived.


"Ah... This is the life."

Resu sat on a bench in the midst of Akihabara, surrounded by seven or eight bags full of anime and manga merchandise. She hardly had the space for it in her room, but she didn't care. If she wanted it, she bought it. Plus, she would be moving out eventually and her purchases wouldn't be restricted to a single room. Then she could fill her future home with as much stuff as it would handle.

Currently Oikawa and Iwaizumi were browsing the sports store across the street. Resu had little to no interest in shopping there and decided to take a break for a bit. However, she was already getting antsy after sitting for more than seven minutes. She turned to look at the store behind her; a small shop advertising cheap jewelry and gifts. With a shrug, she stood and hefted her bags onto her back and walked in.

"Maybe I'll get something for Hitomi," Resu muttered to herself.

She eventually picked out a set of "gold" earrings and a necklace, inlaid with purple stones. Resu made her way over to the checkout counter, but something caught her eye. It was in the clearance box, otherwise unnoticeable but for some reason it made her pause.

It was a bracelet set, likely from Halloween, as each bracelet was orange and black and had a charm - a cat, and a crow. Instantly her mind went to the volleyball team; in particular, a certain ace. Her face grew red.

No, that would be dumb, she thought quickly. A matching bracelet set? How old am I, twelve?

Regardless, it was cheap. Even if she didn't give it to Asa-someone, she could keep the cat one for herself. With a sigh, she grabbed the bracelets and hurriedly made her way once again to the checkout counter.

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