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Golden Week was over as quickly as it had come. Resu and the others returned to school went about their normal days. The second year girl took great pride in the fact that Mitsurai and her groupies glared her down, but they couldn't do anything now that the principal knew all about their antics.

Resu had been spending more and more time in the gym watching the team's practices. She didn't exactly realize that she was neglecting her club duties until one day Miyu approached her as she was about to enter the gym. Freezing in place, she abruptly apologized for missing the club and expected some sort of punishment, but Miyu only smiled at her.

"Actually, that's why I came to see you. Considering you spend so much time here now I talked it over with Hanazawa-sensei and we both agreed that it'd be better for you to just join the club."

Resu raised a thick eyebrow in addition to a tilt of her head.

"What am I going to do though?"

"Well, basically you're going to be a student supervisor, or a sort of secondary manager," Miyu explained, patting her on the shoulder. "You'll be doing the same things you've been doing, you'll just be officially listed as a member of the club."

"Ah, okay..."

Miyu gave her one more pleasant grin before waving goodbye and going on her way. Resu, still a bit confused, slipped into the gym and sat herself down on the bleachers. She pulled out her laptop as she had been doing for several days and tapped away on it, occasionally looking up at the boys every now and then.

As the sky grew dark she was still focused on the screen, staring at it with narrowed eyes. Takeda-sensei wandered over to her and leaned over her shoulder with a curious expression.

"How's it going?"

"Okay, I think I just need to fix a few things and it'll be done," Resu said, pausing her typing for a moment. "Unfortunately it was a bit outdated so I had to ask my sister for help, but it should work fine."

"What are you guys talking about?" Daichi asked before wiping his forehead with a towel and joining the two. Takeda-sensei smiled proudly.

"Resu-kun volunteered to revamp the website for the volleyball team!"

"A website?" Asahi repeated as the rest of the team made their way over to look at Resu's laptop. She shrank back in slight disgust; personally, she didn't like being surrounded by sweaty teenage boys that just got done practicing a sport. Her nose twitched and she grimaced.

"Yeah. It came to me when I was watching your practice match," she explained. "I checked out some other teams to see if they had one, and then I checked yours'... It was horrible. It looked like it was from the early '90s."

She placed her laptop slightly in front of her and clicked around a few times before a webpage opened up, decked out in the team's signature colors of orange and black. A banner showing the team as a group sat above several links and images.

"I put profiles of all you guys up as well as the dates for your upcoming matches," Resu said, scrolling down a bit to show them a calendar. "There's also a commenting system that allows people to say things about the team or on your individual pages."

She clicked on Daichi's page and it showed a few images of him neatly put together. Some of his information was written on the side and there were a few comments below.

"Do people really need to know me like that...?" He asked with an uncomfortable smile to which Resu shrugged.

"I just went off what other sites had about their players. Most of the comments have been about your appearances and some of them were rather...not nice. I deleted those ones though."

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