A Change of Pace

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 "Hey... Did you hear about that new girl?"

"Who hasn't? I mean, the only reason she's well known is because she has a horrible reputation. I wonder how many people she's put in a hospital."

"Well, I heard..."

A low growl interrupted the students' conversation. They froze, turning slightly to the where the sound had come from. A shadowy figure towered over them, glaring down at them with a single dark eye.

"Excuse me," the figure said thinly, stepping into the light, "You're blocking the guidance counselor's office."

The two first years squeaked and bolted in opposite directions. The person remaining, a tall girl with a head of long messy hair, rolled her eyes and grumbled to herself before opening the door to the office. The teacher looked up with a slight smile.

"Ah, Resu! Have a seat."

Noakui Resu slid into one of the chairs in front of her sensei's desk. She eyed the paperwork scattered about before moving her gaze to her counselor.

"So, Hanazawa-sensei... Any news?" Resu asked, trying to hide the note of eagerness in her voice.

Hanazawa-sensei frowned and Resu's heart sank.

"I'm sorry, dear. I'm afraid the track team is full. You'll have to find another club to join."

Her mouth became dry and her long nails dug into her palms instinctively.

"What the hell am I supposed to do then? The only thing I can do well is run!" Resu snapped.

"You don't need to be good at something to join a club for it," Hanazawa-sensei said calmly in turn.

"Tell that to my brother," Resu muttered spitefully, her visible eye locked on the window behind her counselor.

Hanazawa-sensei sighed, pulled out a piece of paper, reading through the list of clubs. Resu answered with a sharp "no" or a shake of her head.

"Resu-kun... You have to join a club, it's the school rules." Hanazawa-sensei ran a hand through her hair as her student crossed her arms under her chest. Her counselor scanned the list again as if she expected another option to pop up. "The only other thing you can do is help clean the gym thoroughly after the sports clubs use it, as well as aiding with beautification projects for the school in general."

The irritated girl pushed back her chair, stood up and pulled her bag closer to her shoulder.

"Fine. When do I start?"

"Today will be fine. I'll let Tashi-chan know that you'll be joining the cleaning crew."

"Can I go now?"

Hanazawa-sensei gestured to the door and Resu wasted no further time in her office. Unfortunately for Resu, the school day still had one or two hours left, so she would have to fume in her class until the day was over. And unfortunately for her classmates, she was emitting an aura so dark that everyone had scooted their desks away in order to keep the good moods they were in. Resu took notes with a pencil gripped so hard that it was nearly snapped in half and her notebook was littered with tears in the paper once she was done.

The main thing bothering her was how she was going to break the news to her brother and sister. They "wanted a better future" for her and that included being the star of the school's track team. Now that that option was gone, there would be even more pressure on her to get excellent grades.

Resu rolled her pen between her fingers. She normally got good grades anyways, but it was just annoying to have them pestering her about it twenty-four seven. They might even force her to quit her part-time job because of it, even though it didn't affect her schoolwork at all.

She frowned deeply, skimming the text she was supposed to be reading. Without her job, she would have no money at all. Her siblings didn't believe in giving her money to fund her hobbies so she had to come by it herself. If she was told to quit, she wouldn't have any money to buy...

Resu shook her head. No, she thought to herself sourly, I'm already in a bad enough mood. I don't need to think about that now.

Her negative thoughts were followed by the relieving sound of the school bell, signaling the end of the day. She shoved her stuff into her bag and stalked out of the classroom. Resu pulled out her earbuds and plugged them into her phone, pressing play and forgetting about the world around her. She held her high as she walked through the hallways, her stony expression giving people enough reason to avoid her path.

As she reached the exit of the school, she realized she wasn't exactly sure where to go, since Hanazawa-sensei had neglected telling her. With a sigh and a shrug of her shoulders, she supposed she should just go to the gym and see if the so-called Tashi-chan was there. Before that, however, she decided it would be a good idea to drop her stuff off in her locker before she did anything. Resu wasn't really in the mood to be toting her bag around when she didn't have to.

She made her way slowly to the lockers, swerving around students that were eager to get out and enjoy the bright spring sunshine. She heard girls chattering about new cafes and plans for the weekend, boys laughing at a crude joke, and various people muttering frantically to themselves as they searched for things they had most likely forgotten in their classroom.

Resu reached her locker and pushed her other stuff aside to make room for her bag. She shut the door to it carefully after rearranging the inside a bit and glanced around. The locker room had emptied surprisingly fast and only a few stragglers were hanging around. She caught a glimpse of a girl with long, light brown hair. Her mouth set in a grimace as she watched her laugh with two other girls, flipping her shiny hair over her shoulder and sauntering out into the sunlight, catching the attention of many.

Mitsurai Kamiko was the epitome of the typical popular girl that treated everyone like dirt. Even though Resu had only been at the school for barely a week, she had already experienced Mitsurai's wrath. Her lackeys tripped and pushed Resu as much as they could manage without getting caught. As much as it would please her to teach them a lesson, it was her first week. She would wait at least a month before getting suspended.

Mumbling under her breath about the girl she figured she should get going. She had no idea if there was practice going on or not but she supposed she would find out when she got there. Resu reached the gym door moments later and gripped the handle unsurely. She could hear shouts and the squeak of sneakers against the gym floor, though she had no idea what sport was being played inside.

Although she knew she would have to wait for their practice to end she thought that maybe that girl Tashi would be inside hanging around. With an annoyed hiss due to not knowing what she should be doing, she pushed open the door.

Ah... So it was volleyball. Before she even had the chance to move away from the door however, a ball came hurtling towards her. She reacted quickly and slashed out, slamming the ball down hard with her hand. Resu huffed, glaring at the bewildered volleyball team in front of her.

A short orange-haired boy spoke up first, his eyes sparkling.

"Uuuoohh! That was so cool! Do you play volleyball too?"

"No," Resu replied shortly, examining her fingernails for any sign of damage before moving her hand back to her side. "I just have good reflexes." 

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