Chapter 30

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Today was a big day. Marinette turned sixteen while Dick turned 26. Such a great day for the two.

Marinette was helped into her dress and she looked marvelous. The gown she was wearing was a soft pink with lovely flowers embroided on. The top part smoothly wrapped around her while the lower part was free and a bit poofy.

Selina looked at her and smiled.

"It's time for your makeup" !

"Uh, not to much please. I don't want to look 30 yet".

" oh kitten, don't you worry. You'll look stunning and not old at all. Just beautiful like you already are. So take a seat and let me work my magic". She said while booking her nose.

While that was happening, the boys were just dying in Damian's bedroom. The three young teens were having severe anxiety at the moment. And the only cause, was dancing. Like seriously, imagine yourself, having to perform for the world. One mistake can turn anyone into a meme. And the three teens were so not ready to become the center of attention.

"How about we jump off a cliff now, our spirits could dance and no body would get it on camera. Then we'd be safe"! Said Jon.

" I like your thinking Kent, but, I don't like the idea of permanently becoming a spirit. I have a life to live".

"Why don't we just kidnap the DJ. Then, there won't be any music and we will actually have a reason to not let this happen".

" No, that's way too risky Fè. Imagine having to face the police. Dick himself would lock is up for trying to get out of dancing with Marinette. Wait, no he wouldn't. LET'S DO IT "!!! Cheered Jon.

Damian and Felix nodded in agreement and their anxiety levels were soon back to normal.

Marinette's makeup was completed and Dick entered just to check on the ladies.


"Oh come on Dick. Be nicer and tell her the truth".

" Oh, I'll tell you what I think you should do next. Get did of all of that, then make her look like a prin- I mean, well you know what I mean".

"Ugh, fine".

Selina spent about another half hour doing Marinette's makeup again, and this time, she looked just her age. She didn't have her usual baby face, but more matured for girls her age. Just a touch of everything.

Dick once again entered and admired his daughters beauty. She definitely did look like a princess now. And Dick thought more about something.

" hey Mari, what does the word princess, make you think of"?

"Adrien and Chloe" . She said. Dick was now just confused. How did she even remember these people, and why was she almost fine with these people?

"And, who were they"?

" Chloe was my caretaker, while Adrien was Chloe's boyfriend and my best friend before Felix and you. Why"?

"Have they ever, hurt you" ?

"Yes, but, those memories, they've been like, erased. I'm not sure. But it was never for anything bad. I think"?

This just brought Dick more questions about everything that has happened in her life.

" do you know any Lila's, by any chance"?

"Nope. Never even thought names like that existed"!

" Yeah, i, just made it up".

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