Chapter 25

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Inside Dick's Memory

Dick's pov back in the orphanage.

The day Marinette and I became friends was special. We would sit together all the time for all of our meals. And we'd always talk about absolutely anything. And sometimes even nothing at all. We'd even stroll around the streets whenever we were given the chance. Which, was always because we always got the happy stars.

Every single time I'd wait for her to come out of her bedroom to go out, she'd always wear something on her head. Like anything. Hats, clips, headbands, beanies, animal ears, pins, bows, and a lot more. There was never a single day where she wasn't wearing something.

She once admitted she just felt naked if she had nothing on. It was weird for her. She didn't like the feeling of loose wavy hair. Except when she was going to bed.

Sometimes, I'd brush her long hair in the nights and read her bedtime stories. Though, she'd never ever fall asleep unlike other kids. Or, movies just made kids seem easier to handle.

We'd pray we would end up together forever and that we would be the happiest of people out in the world. Just like we were here in our home.

One time, we went out for some ice cream, which could be all of the other times. But this one time in particular, that started out like any other day, ended up with both of us stuck on the tip of the Eiffel tower. Well, it was Mari.

We were just climbing up the tower trying to see who'd make it up first. And, she did, but, she wanted to go higher and climb that pole at the top. So she did and got stuck. Nothing grabbed her or pulled her or anything. She was just scared. But I thought this was all a game that time.

"Ooh, looks like The Great Marinette is scared of heights! Oh no. What should I do? Shake the pole"? I yelled in a squeaky high voice trying to sound all bratty.

" D-Dick, you better stop! I'm scared! And I'm stuck! I can't get down! And if I try, I might just call off the entire tower"!!!

"Well, that was pretty good acting. But, it's getting late, so, hurry up and get down. Let's go".

I walked away and heard some mini footsteps. 'I knew it was all a joke', I thought. So I started running and the tiny footsteps ran faster. We ran all the way down the tower and I turned to look at her. But, apparently, it wasn't her but a different girl.

She wasn't talking at all but pointing up at the tower. I looked up and I could see almost nothing but Marinette's tiny figure.


The girl in front of me smiled and I ran up the tower again. 'oh those good ole non existent elevator days' was all I thought. Took me about ten minutes running, to actually teach her.

"Oh my goodness, Mari, I am so so very sorry. I thought you were just playing around"! I tried to climb up the pole but I somehow kept on sliding down. I looked at my shirt and realized what fabric it was. And I was wearing one of the SLIPS fabricated shirts. And it would just slide off the pole. So I was no help to Mari.

So I looked around and saw a man feeding some pigeons. He had nice brown hair but looked a little weird.

" good afternoon sir, do you have a phone or anything I can use to make a call? It's an emergency ".

" Oh yes. Here". The guy handed me a flip phone. And now I wished I asked someone else because I didn't know how to work these things. So I just looked for some emergency button or something. But no. I found a green button that had a phone, so that had to be the call button.

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