Chapter 24

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A few days later went by and Lila was now wearing her final dress. The stitching was beautiful and the best one out of them all. It even had a lovely secret message. But, Lila couldn't find it.

Lila went downstairs to enjoy her breakfast but saw nothing. And, no one for that matter. So she rung her mini bell. The one Alfred had to come to no matter what. But he didn't come. Strange?

Lila called out for everyone just to make sure, but not a single peep was heard. So she went through every single bedroom and found no one. Until she opened a bedroom that she thought no one used only to start shrieking like the idiot she was.

"EW, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU"!!! She screamed.

The thing looked at her and walked up to her.

" What do you mean 'thing'". He slurred.

"Ugh, whatever, where is everyone, you peasant" .

"First of all Marinette, I'm not a peasant. And, everyone is at your goldfish' funeral. Like seriously, when was the last time you fed it. So go down and hurry. Everyone is waiting for you in the garden before Alfred swallows him".

Lila just stared at Tim not knowing he was even human and went outside looking for the others. She saw everyone glaring at her. But, it's not like she really cared. The only thing that mattered, would be Damian's reaction. And well, of course he wouldn't care for a stupid fish.

She stood near the cup the dead fish was in and just looked at it.

" well Marinette are you going to say something"?

"Oh, uh, yeah. He was a good fish. Now hurry the ceremony up. It was just a fish anyways".

Lila turned around and was about to leave when Jason grabbed her.


She pulled her sleeve up so his grip could let go. And it did. Only, she didn't realize that everyone saw her arm. Those few seconds were enough for everyone to notice. And the first to speak was Bruce.

"Roll your sleeves up".

" What"!?

"Do as I say, NOW"!

She did as he said while looking annoyed.

" There, you happy"?

"Bruce! That's not Marinette! That's a fucking bitch! Marinette has cuts, remember! We saw them on the security footage". Said Jason.

" Alfred? Did you also fall for this"? Asked Jason.

"Sadly, no. This girl has treated me the complete opposite of how miss Marinette would. This girl, she's insane. And if any of you haven't noticed, everything is dying. So Marinette has probably been kidnapped".

" And, your telling us this now, why"? Asked Jason.

"Well master Jason, you said this impostor was in Japan, and oh mood swings. I'm Jason Todd and I know what's right". Said Alfred trying to make an impression of Jason.

" Hey, I don't sound like that. Not even close. Now that that's taken care of, kick this bitch out and we have to go find Mari! She could be in real danger you know".

Lila ran away and that was that. Sadly.

Dick just stared at the fish so Alfred decided it was time.

"Alfred the cat, please join our circle and eat the fish if you must" .

Alfred the cat obeyed and greedily looked at the dead fish. That fish was definitely going to be great in little Alfred's opinion.

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