Chapter 27

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Damian's bedroom pov. (Bedrooms have points of view to ya know)

Damian was sitting on his bed in deep thought.

He was given a chance. A chance that wasn't going to be easily forgotten nor forsaken at all. And within the chance he got. He failed miserably. He hurt the girl he ended up loving the most. But, Lila was in first place of course.

He didn't think about his actions in the past. Or what they could lead up to in the future. All Damian thought, was as long as no one mentioned the past, it didn't exist. But it did even if he wanted to deny it.

Alfred the cat decided it was time to comfort his kid and sit on his lap for support. Damian quickly started stroking the cat while it purred.

This pleased Damian and he didn't stop. And instead, started talking.

"Do you think we'll ever be friends again"?

" meow ".

" Do you think I can change? Like at all? Be myself around her so we could get closer in anyway"?

"Meow meow meow" .

"Hmm, should I go with Alfred instead so I can get some real answers" ?


Damian quickly threw Alfred the cat off his lap and jumped up his bed to not be scratched by the cat.

" ALFRED!!! SAVE ME"!!!!!! The poor boy screamed. If I could make sounds, I would. So I did. I made the walls creak as a sign of my laughter, as I was, the bedroom.

Alfred walked in looking for Damian only to see him standing on the useless bed board thing.

"Master Damian, why do you need saving. Alfred the cat has been very kind to you. So why do you need saving"?

Damian stared at Alfred the cat while he just gave Damian adorable puppy eyes. Or, kitty eyes in this case.

And Damian very well knew these weren't real. So he went along with his second plan.

" I need to get some answers and Alfred the cat won't provide me with any. Might you"?

"Of course master Damian. What are your questions, concerns, statements or just comments on anything young master"

"Well, first of all, would I ever be able to friend Marinette, like at all. With the way I act towards people, do you think it's possible" ?

"Well of course. Just like she did when she first arrived. She tried no matter what. And I'm sure she'll definitely want to now".

" but last time, it took me about seven years to actually come clean with myself and admit to myself she was finally my friend. And now, she's changed. Like a lot".

"And, what would those changes be master Damian. The only changes I've noticed, was her memory, and her innocence. Her memories have been mixed around and her innocence, well, let's just say these few months will be pretty awkward with all of your older brothers dirty jokes".

" Oh, and, are they like supposed to tell her something every time she doesn't understand or do we keep her as pure and innocent as possible "?

" Well, it's actually up to her friend Felix and the Kwami's. He and Jon can help with all of that. And as long as they visit more often, your goal of becoming her friend might actually work. And, she definitely won't be returning to school. That's final. She's being homeschooled for the rest of her high school years. We literally almost made the world end. And I know I am not one to kill dreams or anything, but the outside world is actually very dangerous for her. So this is actually the best choice. Now, would you like to hear anything else "?

" No. That would be it for right now. I'll come to you if I have something else to say".

"Well master Damian, you can always tell me anything. I'll be on my way, and please show a bit more respect for Alfred the cat. Poor thing is suffering. And, I'm helping the others track Rossi. She's going to be getting everything she deserves" .

And with that, Alfred left. Damian looked back to Alfred the cat and was nowhere to be seen. Until Damian decided to carefully look up at his ceiling. And right above him, was the cat with his mouth wide opened showing his sharp teeth and ready to pounce on the boy.

So Damian decided now, it was time to scream like a little boy for once and run out his room like one. And that was exactly what he did. And, it was actually a little, too, funny.

The next day

No one's pov (Bedroom had a pov people)

Everyone sat down for breakfast and it all soon came. Damian was once again seated by Marinette and Dick was told to not do anything at all. So he did. Just because he was offered something worth much more than smacking Damian with a pan.

The doorbell rang and and Alfred opened the door. Jon and Felix stepped in and the two looked at the girl. She was alive to their relief, and luckily, it was quick. Not like the others. Took them a while.

So those two decided to take the empty seats by Dick and Jason which was also right in front of Marinette.

"Good morning family. I can see Dick might actually let Daminette happen. Right"? Asked a very eager Jon. So Felix kicked his shin.

" Ow"?!

"Not now"! Muttered Felix.

" Sorry".

Sick didn't hear a thing and everyone was happy for that. Everyone started on their breakfast when Bruce decided to say something.

"You do at least remember those two, right"!

" Oh of course. I could never forget about them". She smiled. She was thinking of all the great things she's remembered and couldn't wait for more.

She looked around the table and closely eyed everyone again. something new that wouldn't be easy to stop.

She landed on Jason and asked.

"You remind me of the idiot that scared me and my dad" . She said.

Jason choked on his ham and wouldn't stop coughing until Tim slapped his back hard. Like, really hard. And it would actually be hard, if it weren't for Tim's sleep loss. So that slap to the back was the equivalence to an any trying to pick up a human foot.

So in Tim's opinion, he just used almost all of his strength. While the rest of his family just saw him use .0000000000000000001% of his energy.

"You need more sleep Timmy. No more coffee or rooftop visits until you get enough rest. Unless you want to meet toothless. He has to wear dentures you know. And, you could shorten your life span. So you better stop or you shall see my tears".

Tim went wide eyed. He was definitely not going to let that happen. this world was already quite broken.

" Oh, don't you worry. I'll go to sleep while you hang out and understand little D over there". Yawned Tim.

"Okay. But you must sleep or I'll have to do something you'll regret once it happens".

" Fine".

Tim left the table with his coffee mug and Marinette noticed. So she quickly got out of her seat and karate chopped that cup out of his hands. Tim just stared at her.

"What? It was going to end you".

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