Chapter 31

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I completely forgot about this

Dick just froze right after. And the people noticed, so they silenced themselves even more and the DJ guy, well, he saw everyone else and dropped the music.

"Oh hell no"!!!!!!! He yelled out like an idiot. "
That shit and you will stay approximately ten feet away from each other. Understood"


" Mhm. You heard me. I can't have you two getting together because that asshole could hurt you. And, I don't like him that much. He's the biggest brat known to human kind. So you two better stay away from each other or else". He glared at her trying to make himself clear. But that wasn't really working at all.

"I'll try my best dad. But just so you know, you can't stop us". She whispered.

So Dick dramatically gasped and quickly walked away. Everything went back to normal and Marinette wondered where he left to.

Marinette decided to go out into the gardens and take some fresh air. She walked around many bushes and headed for her willow tree. Also known as the exit to her secret lair.

She touched the tree and felt herself calm down. So she sat by the trunk and started taking slow deep breaths. Trying to think about a way to tell Damian how she felt. Even if she didn't know he felt the same way about her. But she soon heard a few footsteps and could tell this person was trying to keep quiet.

" Who goes there" she said.

Nobody answered of course. Only a stupid person would.

Marinette got up from her spot and looked around. But everything was getting dark, so it was harder to see anything else. But of course, this person was, stupid.

"Well, it's only your best friend". The voice came from a bush. It belonged to a female. And Marinette walked over to it. She didn't care who could be behind the bush. Even if she knew it was a serial killer, she'd go right ahead.

" please come out so we can have a normal civilized conversation ".

" if you say so. But I'll warn you now, you may be surprised ".

" I doubt it".

The person came out and Marinette wasn't able to recognize her.

"Who are you"?

" what do you mean, who are you? I'm fucking Lila Rossi!? You're supposed to be afraid of ME"!!

"Well, I'm sorry, but, why would I be afraid of you if I don't even know who you are. But I think I know who will know. Your friends! They are very worried about you. And they blamed me for your disappearance. But I don't know about any of that since I don't know any of them. So come along. I'm sure my family would happily welcome you. Though, I've heard your name before and, they don't like you. But don't worry. I got this"!

Marinette happily dragged Lila with her and Lila just couldn't believe it.

Lila's pov

Maybe she's finally gone insane? Sure, I'm still mad she's alive, but now? She might just admit how great I am. And, she might even convince her family! Though, I will have to backstab her in the end and keep Damian all to myself.

But right now, my ticket to fame is this girl right here, dragging me to a life of luxury.

No one's pov

Marinette kept on dragging Lila away and they entered the ballroom only to be stopped by Dick.

" Marinette, do you know who this is"?

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