Chapter 11

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(Just to let you all know, I have many chapters already written but I don't update on weekends due to the loads of emails, invoices, estimates, and paperwork I have to sign, email, and respond to. But I do have many chapters written in this story.)

Damian's pov

I saw the two dive into the pool and not return. And it's been at least five minutes. But they weren't stupid? Right? Do two people that think the same become smarter or dumber, because what I just witnessed was stupid and if they died, it was because a positive and another positive equals death. Which means those two died. And now I'm alone!

Alfred walked in and handed me my cup of tea with chocolate fudge cookies. I gladly took them and munched viciously on them.

"With all due respect, master Damian, I don't think you're ok. I can see something is bothering you to the behavior you are showing your cookie".

I stopped munching on my cookie and looked at the pool through my window. The water was completely still.

" I think Marinette and Jon died".

"Don't speak such nonsense master Damian. They are just in her secret place she found. The girl has known of this place for years. When you started ignoring her, she decided to find something else to do and distract herself with. Until she found this place. It was a very humorous story the way she presented it to me. And I've seen it myself. Though, I don't like the idea of diving in just like that, but you should ask her about it. I'm sure mistress Mari would love to tell you her story".

Alfred walked out and I just stared at the pool. What was it even like down there? What did they do? Why have I not ever seen her enter like that? Have I been that cruel into shutting her out from my life? Did Felix know?

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number on my contacts. Sure you all thought I only had Jon, but I also had Felix. He understands the art of silence, something we both share. He understands the pain of having to go to school while having a stupid fan club watching you every second. He dislikes people as much as I do and enjoys watching them in pain. Except for our loved ones. We both also share that.

We are like twin brothers even if we don't acknowledge ourselves in such a way. But we have a connection. Which makes us friends of some sort.

"Felix" ,

"Yes Damian" ,

"Did you know of Marinette's secret hideout" ?

"I've heard but never seen. why do you ask"?

" she has Jon in there. It's basically in our pool. The two just jumped into the pool with everything on and aren't coming back. And they have been in there for 10 minutes now".

"Well, she has explained to me what she does there and doesn't show it to anyone for certain matters to which I know nothing of. She mentioned only Alfred knew. And if Jon is in there, he will probably know something to. And if she hasn't showed me and shows him, then this is something big".

" I guess you're right. I'll see you tomorrow Felix ".

" I'll see you tomorrow as well young Wayne".

And I ended the call.

Marinette's pov

"How did you know"?

" Well, I don't know what you thought you were doing but that sounded more like pointing to your identity. And, it's pretty obvious for anyone with more than three brain cells if you think about it. But this world lacks in cells. So I do my best to make everyone less stupid. But that doesn't work".

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