Chapter 19

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The next day quickly came and it was a big day for Dick. He was going to see what his baby went through everyday. He quickly left the manor and entered his office in the GPD. He turned all the devices on and was now able to see everything Marinette saw from any point of view.

She was now exiting the manor with Damian by her side. Sick didn't like that but couldn't do anything about it.
Alfred took the two to school and they arrived.

Marinette ran away from Damian and Dick was proud.

Dick's pov

I was glad she left that brat. Maybe she now realized that if I hated him, then she should too. I think she entered her classroom because I saw her enter one. It was very empty and silent. She sighed in relief I think and took her seat in the back off the class.

I saw the teacher walk in and look at Marinette in a not so happy way.

"Marinette, you are our President. So you should act like one. Stop calling out Lila like if it were the end of the world cause we both know that's not true. You know you're better than this so be the bigger person and let her go. It's not like a few little lies can hurt anyone.

And don't forget, you have to show the class how to properly understand challenging texts. So next time we have an exam on challenging texts, I should have an average of about 95% or I'll fail you.

Understand Marinette" ?

"Yes Ms bustier" .

"Good. Now here, the material you need to teach everyone. I'm going to be out with some friends for a week so you're in charge. And like I said, a little lie can't hurt anyone. Not even a fly".

The teacher left and I was furious. How dare she talk to my blueberry like that. I mean, she's never done any bad? So why did she deserve any of this?

I saw Mari break down and cry. I could see the years fall to the floor and I didn't know what to do. I saw the sky turn gray as well. So I was right. It's her pain that causes all of this like toothless/Harold says.

Many more minutes went by and the class started coming in. Many weird looking students entered. And none of them looked good. Well, except for the one that day next to Marinette. The boy with tomato soup for hair.

He looked pretty bored. But then I heard some nonsense come out of a person and looked at the person. She had ugly brown sausage hair. She also had green eyes and didn't look nice in any ways. She looked evil. And she must be the one liar the teacher was talking about.

She started spitting out BS about my family and more. Then she started talking about Felix and then she got to Marinette. And, none of it was good. And that's when most of the class stood up and went towards her. And, their faces, I knew these faces very well. They wanted more than revenge. They wanted my child dead. And there was nothing I could do. Besides, send help.

But I didn't. I just called over some partners to come and watch what I was seeing. And some of them, were horrified. Those students were hurting her. They were throwing many things at her. And, some where small pocket knives and such.

"I want to sue them all. I can't have people like this town around the streets like that. Knowing they're capable of murder. We have to stop them! What they're doing is called bullying. And under no circumstances is that okay in this country. They deserve to go to prison after this"!

" yeah! They seem like kids and they're already getting themselves into a huge mess" said one.

They all took a picture of each of the kids and teacher and kept on watching.

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