Diagon Alley Shenanigans

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After their agreement, Rose went back to the house and apologised to Lily and James, shocking them, but also causing them to feel delighted.

Had she finally seen the mistakes she had made?

In fact, that was not correct, and as Lily hugged her emotionally, Rose glared at her brother, who smirked back at her smugly.

Who said Harry would help her escape their mother's suffocating hug? She was worse than Molly Weasley at times like this! Why should he sacrifice himself for her?

Needless to say, the air at home became much lighter. Both the adults seemed much happier now that they got along (better), entirely unaware that this illusion was crafted by their children.

The family had gotten closer, well, except for the twins, but the parents ignored the tension between them.

It was normal for twins to have competitive spirits.

But their problem was not that at all.

Harry and Rose still felt disgusted at the sight of each other.

Harry remembered all the shit Rose had done to him, and Rose remembered her inferiority complex, so they mostly didn't stay in areas they could see each other; Rose mostly in the Quidditch pitch, and Harry in the library.

In front of their parents, though, they acted nicer, still not conversing with each other, but not shooting insults or arguing at least.


Time passed and came a day in the middle of summer when the Potters decided to pay a trip to Diagon Alley.

The twins had gotten taller, and even with their clothes charmed to adjust to their size, they needed more clothes. Especially since Rose was having a growth spurt and the charms adjusted the size too hastily, damaging them.

So, at ten in the morning, meaning Rose was woken up forcefully and was now grumpy, they took the Floo and arrived at Diagon Alley.

Lily dusted them all off with a few simple spells, and they headed to Twilfitt and Tattings.

Although both Madam Malkin's and Twilfitt and Tattings sold robes, in actuality, the latter had much more high-quality robes. Madam Malkin's was sponsored by Hogwarts, and the prices were cheaper, although their materials were too, so it was used more by Muggleborns and poorer families, causing it to be more well-known within their ranks.

Harry hadn't been told this in his previous life, only after he had become the Head of the Potter House did he realise it, a shame, really.

All those years of wearing poor quality clothes that were uncomfortable unless he cast a dozen charms could have been avoided if the people around him had informed him of this.

But of course, his 'best friends' had been a Muggleborn and a poor Pureblood, so this was expected.

As the Potters walked through the Alley, whispers erupted, fingers pointing at them. All eyes were on them, the famous family that contained the Saviour of the Wizarding World, and one of the biggest leaders of Light.

Reporters appeared, flashes and questions flying around, and Harry couldn't help but berate his parents: couldn't they be more inconspicuous?

All four Potters were used to the attention, Harry more so with his last life, and they quickly pulled on their social masks, kind expressions with slight smiles.

It was creepy how fast their expressions had changed, but Harry wasn't going to judge, being quite the actor himself, charming teachers since kindergarten to protect him against Dudley and his goons.

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