Main Ship Reveal!!!

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After an abundance of careful thinking, I have finally decided on the main relationship of the story. I apologise fke taking so long to post.

Without further ado, the main ship will be...

Harry X ...


Yeah, this pretty much means all the voting was as waste of time, and I sincerely apologise, but however I look at it, I just can't see Harry having a relationship with anyone.

His mental age and bodily age differs a lot, and is stuck mid-between all the main characters, so I don't think he will ever be able to choose one of them. Due to Ginny's betrayal, he also won't be able to trust people easily, so I think him being single is much more believable than other approaches, especially since I am complete shit at writing romance.

Once again, I apologise for wasting so much of your time, but I hope you will enjoy this book regardless of the lack of romance.

Thank you very much for your support,

Gotta go to bed now,


He With The Jewel Eyes // A Grey Harry Potter - Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now