The First Potions Lesson

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It was time for the Ravenclaw first years's first Potion lesson.

Harry was quite excited. Potions was a subject he was passionate about, in his past life, even if his talent was suppressed by core blocks (guess who?) and Snape's suppression, after the defeat of Voldemort, he had become an expert in the art, albeit secretly.

None of his so-called friends had never been aware of his talents or smarts, as if they were they would feel threatened.

It was much more easy to pretend in front of someone thought to be stupid than smart, and this way, when they weren't acting properly, Harry could once again be reminded that their relationship wasn't real, that it only happened because of his money.

That he wasn't just paranoid, that every suspicion of his was real.

He shook his head to clear it of the thoughts, and diverted his attention to the first years's conversation about the notorious Potions Professor.

"-the second years are saying that Snape favours the Slytherins and hates the others, never giving points, but he hates Gryffindor so much that no Gryffindor has ever gotten an E!" Boot cried out, and Harry shook his hrad, chuckling.

The sound made the others turn to him, and Mandy Brocklehurst, who didn't like him for some reason, scoffed.

"You think this is funny, Potter?" she growled. "Well, I guess with your Heir status, you needn't study at all! But not all of us are as lucky as you!"

Harry smiled at her, ignoring her words.

"I don't think Professor Snape will be as bad as we've been told," he told the first years, who had perked up at his words. "simply because he has a strong target this year." He made a 'V' in the air, symbolising Rose's scar, and the other blinked, then brightened.

"That's right!" Goldstein exclaimed in relief. "Snape hates James Potter the most, from what I've heard. So, coupled with being the GWL, Rose Potter would be his biggest target!" Then he glanced at Harry unsurely. "But Harry, James Potter is your father too, won't he treat you differently?"

Brocklehurst laughed.

"Serves you right, Potter, for being an arrogant ponce!"

Harry continued smiling.

"I don't have anything to be wary of." he said confidently. "I've already read all material needed for first year, and now have brewed all first year potions before, to the point of perfection. I'm quite sure that I could pass first year Potions right now if I took the test."

The others gaped at the information, Brocklehurst scoffing once again, not that Harry cared.

Idiots would be idiots after all.

"You don't need to flaunt your wealth in front of us, we already know of all the private tutors hired by your family. You've obviously studied under them! We don't have the same chance, you were just born lucky! You're not special or anything!"

Harry sighed, scratching his head, then tilted it slightly to the side, eyes filled with confusion.

"But I've never had any tutors?" he said questioningly. "All of the ones hired by our family taught etiquette or general knowledge, and the one who needed those lessons was Rose, not me. I've never had any tutors."

Seeing some people perk up at the knowledge, he internally smirked.

Yet another small proof that he was being treated differently than his sister, which the Hogwarts rumour mill would probably twist into something much more amazing and horrifying to hear.

Harry couldn't wait to see the fruits of his labour.

And so, they arrived to the Potions classroom, seeing the Hufflepuffs behind them quiver and shake at the place.

Well, the dungeons were a more intimidating place. Plus, it was several degrees colder down there, and the students hadn't learned warming charms yet.

Turning to the Ravenclaws and seeing them shivering also, he flicked his wrist from under his outer robes and watched as the students calmed, colour returning to their faces.

Doing the same to the Hufflepuffs, he went back to chatting with his dorm mates, waiting for the 'dungeon bat' to arrive, as they had been told he was called.

Snape arrived several minutes later, unlocking the classroom with a huff, and as they took their seats, gave his speech that he always seemed to give the first years about 'bottling glory' and 'putting a stopper to death'.

That hadn't stopped him from dying in Voldemort's hand.

Shaking himself from those thoughts, he saw Snape's face go ugly as he arrived at Harry's name, and lips twitching in annoyance

"Potter, Harry." He called, practically spitting Harry's last name, and the first years sent putting glances at the jewel-eyed boy, who ignored the disgust in his voice, and answered in a perfect tone of voice.

"Present, sir."

The man paused, staring at him suspiciously as if suddenly expecting him to attack him, then continued taking attendance.

After the attendance, he immediately turned to Harry, and started asking him the same three questions as his last life.

Harry proceeded to answer them perfectly, and the man have him a curt nod.

"It seems that you are at least more competent than your counterpart." he said, and the students gasped at the praise, making the man glare at them. "But don't even get your head too big. Understood?"

Harry nodded, smiling slightly. He knew that warning was also directed at his potions making.

One should never get arrogant for their skills, lest they could mess up a potion and suffer the consequences.

"Of course, sir. Thank you for your reminder. And I do hope my sister did not tire you too much. If so, I apologise on her behalf." He then stood up and bowed at the man, making him blink in surprise.

"Sit down." he only said, and as Harry sat down, turned around, starting his lesson.

At the end of the lesson, as the got out of the classroom, Harry heard a calm voice behind him.

"Five points to Ravenclaw for proper respect towards a Professor."

The ones who heard that gaped and snapped their heads to Harry, who had the ghost of a smile on his face.

Goldstein groaned.

"What the hell, Harry? Just what are you? I'm really starting to believe you are special."

Harry chuckled in response.

"Everyone is special in their own way."

Both boys next to him groaned.

"Come on, Harry, it would be better if you bragged! You sound like my Grandpa!"

He With The Jewel Eyes // A Grey Harry Potter - Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now