Inheritance Test Pt.1

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Two years passed. The twins were now seven, an age considered sacred.

Seven was an important number in the Wizarding World. Seven was the age when magical children became eligible to claim their inheritances.

The inheritances, contrary to popular belief, wasn't claimed by the eldest son or daughter. Instead, Lady Magic gave the titles to those She deemed worthy, so even if a child could not claim their inheritance, their younger sibling could.

It was why most houses had more than one spawn.

So, at the twins' seventh birthday, the Potters and their two friends headed to Gringotts.

Arriving, a crowd was in front of the bank, photos after photos taken of them as they appeared with a crack.

They headed through the thick crowd, pushing apart people, and walked inside. Gringotts didn't allow reporters in when they were working, so the sounds outside were cancelled by their brilliant wards, and few people were left inside.

Harry brushed himself of and saw the goblin teller staring at them, no doubt aware of who they were, and walked forward as James and Lily helped Rose clean of all the dirt and sweat stuck on her from the crowd, while Sirius and Remus cleaned themselves as well.

He smiled as he arrived in front of his desk, and with a lowered voice, spoke up, in Gobbledygook. He had learned it after he had broken into Gringotts in his previous life, to apologize and negotiate with the goblins.

"Greetings, Master Goblin. May your gold flow, and enemies fall down to your blade."

The goblin blinked, surprised that such a young child knew their language, then grinned, a snarl appearing on his face that Harry knew was of excitement, having seen it many times during his many negotiations in his past life.

"And may your vaults flourish, Heir Potter." he answered in a low voice, aware of the boy's intention to keep his language skills secret.

Harry grinned.

"That is not for certain yet, but thank you for the compliment, Master Goblin."

The goblin chuckled.

"My name is Sharpclaw. I am quite sure you will claim the Heirship, Mr. Potter."

Harry beamed.

"Please, Mr. Potter's my father. Call me Harry."

Sharpclaw nodded. This child had gained his respect, to learn their languages and customs, and not look down upon them, was rare within the Wizarding community.

"Very well." he told the boy in English, as the rest of the family had come within hearing distance.

Lily came forward , eyebrows furrowed.

"Harry? Are you alright?" she asked, concerned. Goblins were known as a rude and scary race, and she didn't want Harry to be unhappy on his birthday.

Rose scoffed from behind her.

"He's such a wimp, to be afraid of a creature." she said in disdain, and all heads snapped towards her.

"Rose..." Lily said, shock prominent on her face. "How could you say that?"

Harry's eyebrows narrowed ever so slightly.

As they grew up, more and more of their parents' attention had started to go to Rose, and Harry being an independent child was starting to get ignored for her favour, even if it didn't happen at the level of neglect.

Even now, Lily wasn't scolding her. Something had changed, and Harry was sure it was because of her fame.

Since young, Rose had always been rude, but now, as they grew up, it was starting to get dismissed less than before for being a child.

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