The Heirships

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The goblin stood up, and walked to the goblin standing on the side of the door, telling him to get the rings.

He then turned around, and glared at the group viciously.

"I am going to talk to Heir Potter alone. So get out." he snarled.

Lily shook her head frantically.

"We are his guardians! You cannot do that!" she cried out. "Whatever you will speak to him about, we have the right to know."

The goblin shook his head.

"No. As long as Heir Potter wishes, he can tell you, but I will be talking to him in private." He then gestured the goblin warriors to escort them away, and the two stepped away from the walls and walked towards them.

The Potters, and friends were forcefully thrown out of the room, and then the goblin locked it, wards making sure none would come in or hear their conversation.

He then turned around and walked back to his desk, sitting down and staring unblinkingly at Harry.

And so the boy told him his story.

It took quite a lot of time, but he was able to finish it, and then the goblin - Strongsword, he had introduced himself as- asked him about his current life, and Harry's face scrunched up.

"They... aren't that bad," he told him unsurely."Because Rose has a fandom and a shitty personality, they have to spend more of their time with her, so we aren't as close as we used to be really. But I'm not abused or anything like what happened at the Dursleys, so I'm fine right now."

Strongsword scoffed.

"That is incorrect. You have not been cared for properly in neither of your lives, so you do not understand. This is called neglect. They are favouring one child over the other, even if they aren't doing it unconsciously. Because you are an independent person, they believe you do not need to be cared for as much as her, so they double the attention on Rose Potter instead. This is not normal, Heir Potter."

Harry sighed. So he was right. He hadn't been a child properly before, and he wouldn't be one now.

So he rubbed his face in annoyance.

"I see," he said. "I will try to do something about it. Thank you for informing me. And please, call me Harry. Heir Potter is too formal for my liking." Strongsword nodded.

"Very well," he said, tapping the boxes on the table that had been portkeyed in during their meeting. "These are your Heir rings, as you very well know." He had switched to English halfway through.

Harry nodded.

"Yes. I try them on, and merge my magic with theirs, correct?" The goblin nodded and Harry opened the boxes one by one, and put on the rings, merging his magic first, then the rings. In the end, he willed it only to show the Potter Insignia, and nodded at Strongsword.

"If that is all, I will come for the bank statements a week later." The goblin nodded.

"May your vaults flourish under your cause, Heir Potter."

"And may your enemy fall down to your blade, especially the thieves, Account Manager Strongsword."

He was then escorted out, where he met with his frantic mother, searching him all over for injuries.

He laughed and hugged her with a grin.

"I'm alright, mother," he said assuringly. "Mr. Strongsword just wanted to talk to me because I had multiple lordships. According to him, it's pretty rare, so it was protocol to do a more detailed test. Nothing changed, though, so I assume I still have four Heirships." He beamed. "Isn't that amazing?"

Lily gulped at that guiltily, and Harry's eyes narrowed.

"Mother? Is there something wrong?"

Lily sighed, rubbing her face unhappily.

"It's just..." She sighed once again. "It's just that Rose doesn't have any Heirships, and we're afraid of what will happen when the public knows about this."

And Harry's patience completely snapped. He took a step back, shaking his head.

"Harry?" asked Lily worriedly, taking a step forwards, but Harry just took another step back.

"You..." he said, his tone disbelieving. "Do you really think I'm unbreakable? That I can do everything by myself just because I'm a bit independent." He raised his head, and Lily gasped as he saw the glare in them. "I'm just a child! And you look at me like you do to Sirius or Remus! I'm also your child! So why can't you treat me, love me, give me just a bit of your attention like you do to Rose? I just feel like I'm a replacement for her! Why don't you love me like you do her?"

He then started crying, and Lily's eyes softened, and she hugged him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Oh, my baby," she said, tears alia coming out from her eyes. " I didn't notice. It's because you always listened to us and Ross was a bit more... enthusiastic... so we had to pay attention to her more. I didn't even realize that we were making you feel this way. I promise this won't happen again!"

Harry raised his head, eyes still watery and puffy from crying, but full of hope.

"R-really?" he stuttered out, and he look so pitiful at that moment that Lily couldn't help but hold him tighter.

"Of course. I swear it won't. Because even if you have grown up earlier than Rose, you are both my children, and I will never, ever mistreat you for the other." Harry felt a hot wave of magic, and gasped, checking her frantically.

"Mother! That...that was a magical vow right now! Are you okay? Did anything happen? Are you heart anywhere?"

Lily laughed at her son, a little boy she noticed, look at her searchingly and terrified, and hugged him again, kissing him on top of his head.

"Don't worry, I did that willingly," she murmured, lips still on Harry's head. "It's the proof of my promise to you that you will always be my son."

And the dam broke once again. But it was good. They were once again a family.

And with that promise, the future that Harry had been dreading, vanished from.the possibilities.

Because his mother would always have his back.

He With The Jewel Eyes // A Grey Harry Potter - Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now