The Last Day (End Of First Year)

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After the Closing Ceremony, all students were sent back to their dorms for their final night at school. Harry chatted with his friends until late and only slept after he was sure all of them were asleep, carrying them to their beds gently with the assistance of his magic, and placing a few temperature charms to make sure they didn't get too hot or cold.

Although his body was that of a child, he was still an adult after all. And as an adult, it was his responsibility to look after these children.

As he closed his eyes, he went over his first year at Hogwarts, and his previous life's first year, comparing them.

Because of Dumbledore, in his previous life, his first year had been unproductive and filled with dangerous tests from Dumbledore, obstructing his education.

In this life, he had read as many books as he wanted, made many connections, and learned more about magical culture.

He could clearly say that his current life was much more preferred than the other one.

Thus, he fell asleep, his memories appearing in his dreams, unknowingly causing a small smile to appear on his face.


Harry carried his secretly weightless trunk onto the train, his fellow Ravenclaws surrounding him doing the same, albeit with much more effort.

After he stepped aboard, he turned around and helped his friends, smiling kindly at their thankful expressions.

After they were all on, they headed to find a compartment they could stay in.

Although it wasn't stated clearly, there was an unspoken rule that split the train into Houses. The far back was Slytherin's and the furthermost front was Gryffindor's, with the other two Houses splitting the two up, preventing confrontation between them.

Everyone knew that Gryffindor and Slytherin had an unhealthy rivalry, a rivalry that had lasted for a thousand years, at least that was the speculated amount of time.

Not much was left from the Founders other than a few precious artefacts and the Hogwarts castle, after all.

At least, for those who didn't know of the existence of the Room of Requirement, but that is a story for another time.

Harry opened the door of an empty compartment and ushered the others in, closing it after them and discreetly adding a few minor wards for privacy.

It was not much, really, just allowing only those already inside when the ward is placed to exit and enter the place, and having the same effect as a notice-me-not charm, but lasting longer.

Inside, they talked and played games for the duration of the train ride, as they wouldn't see each other for a few months. Harry was surprised to say he would actually miss them.

Was this what having real friends felt like? A small flutter in his heart confirmed the statement, and a soft smile took over his face, unnoticed by the others.

He finally had people he could depend on.


The train ride ended hours later, and as they approached Platform 9 3/4, Harry a stood up, waving his wand and lowering everyone's trunks, nodding at their thanks'.

They got off the train without much hurry, but with enough care to avoid being knocked to the side by excited students rushing around.

Harry helped them all with carrying their trunks before they exchanged their final goodbyes for a few months, and walked away, face stiffening slightly.

He was not looking forward to seeing his father gush over his sister again.

He had had enough of that, especially that misused Howler sent to congratulate Rose's achievement of becoming the youngest Seeker of the century.

As he looked around to locate his family, he noticed cameras flash and people crowd over at an area, and immediately realised it was where his dear sister was. Sighing and pinching his nose in annoyance, he headed over there, as slow as possible due to his reluctance to see what was happening.

As expected, when he arrived, his family was covered with reporters, and Rose had on her arrogant smirk that Harry detested, posing for the camera.

"Miss Potter, how was your first year at Hogwarts?" asked one of them, and Rose turned to the man, her eyes gleaming happily. It seemed she was waiting for such a question.

"It was quite delightful," she replied, trying and failing to sound mature due to the smirk plastered on her lips. "It was like an amazing adventure, and I loved meeting new people and learning more about the Wizarding World. All in all, I couldn't ask for a better year."

Another reporter spoke up, and Harry belatedly identified her to be Rita Skeeter, and from the slight smirk on her lips, she was about to say something opposite to Rose's preference.

"How were your exams? I'm sure, as the Girl-Who-Lived, they were quite easy for you!"

Rose flinched slightly, but it wasn't noticed by many due to the steady flashing of lights, making the behaviour seem like a play of light.

"Of course," she answered after straightening herself, her smirk once again slipping on her face, albeit slightly smaller.

With that, the reporters started screaming about her scores, hoping to learn what it was. After all, she was the Saviour of the Wizarding World, her scores should be unseen before!

But contrary to their expectations, the girl's scores were left untold, and with that, the reporters were shooed away by a couple of Aurors standing by for safety.

With the crowd scattering, Harry finally approached the family but was stopped by one of the Aurors.

"Hey kid, I understand that you want to meet the Girl-Who-Lived, but interview's over. Go back."

Harry raised an eyebrow at the man. It seemed that even Aurors were unaware of who Heir Potter was.

Thankfully, without him needing to say anything, Lily spotted him and brightened immediately.

"Harry!" she exclaimed, rushing over as fast as she could, and hugging him.

The Auror coughed awkwardly.

"Lady Potter, you know this boy?" Lily raised her head, and glared at the man with all her might, causing the poor guy to take a step back in fear, thoroughly confused.

"Do I know this boy? This is my son, Harry James Potter! The Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter!"

The man paled at the answer, eyes snapping back to the boy whose path he'd blocked. This was Heir Potter? He looked nothing like his twin!

Harry tapped his mother in the arm for the sake of the Auror.

"Mother, it's quite alright," he said in a calm voice, making the furious redhead falter and turn to him, eyes softening at his appearance. "Due to Rose's fame, it's understandable for people not to recognise me. I'm not as sociable as she is, after all."

The woman sighed, but nodded, making the tense Auror let out a deep breath in relief.

"I know, but it's still irritating to see for one of my children to be favoured over the other," she replied, a small pout on her face.

Harry chuckled lightly, hugging her.

"Don't worry, I'm no pushover. If anyone dares to see me inferior, I'll make sure they'll never mess with me again, alright?" As he said those words, a cold smile, invisible to others due to his position, appeared on his face. This was a vow he would follow no matter what.

Even those oblivious to his expression could feel the atmosphere turn cold, and the two adults who heard him shivered at his determined words.

One thing was for sure: Harry meant every single word he said.

The Auror scrambled away, still pale, and Lily, noticing him running away, smirked slightly in amusement.

"That's my son."

He With The Jewel Eyes // A Grey Harry Potter - Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now