Golden Girl To... Silver Girl?

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The next day, at breakfast, all had arrived but the Gryffindor first years. Harry chewed on his carrot that he loved to eat, attracting disbelief at his careless actions from the Slytherins,

He hummed, placing his head on his palm, staring at the entrance of the Hall.

When were they going to arrive? If the Gryffindors didn't arrive soon, how would everyone see what his prank had turned them to?

How annoying. He had wasted fifteen minutes for that prank.

Just as he was thinking that, in came said first years, and all noise died down as everyone saw what they looked like.

Then, laughter erupted.

All Gryffindor first years now had Slytherin green hair and skin, and all their robes had been turned silver. All first years looked sweaty from rushing there, and the embarrassment of the laughter turned their cheeks a darker green colour, making the students laugh even harder.

McGonagall stood up and rushed to them, waving her wand and pronouncing spell after spell, but nothing worked. The most it did was switch the colours, making their clothes green and body silver.

The elderly witch turned to the hall with a sigh.

"Can the perpetrator of this prank please step forward?"

As expected, nobody did. Eyes went to the Weasley twins, but they shook their heads. They hadn't done that, although they would have liked to have.

McGonagall spoke up once again.

"I promise that if the perpetrator steps forward, no points shall be docked or detentions assigned. This is a marvellous work of transfiguration, and I would like to see who has such skill to be able to accomplish this."

Once again, nobody stepped forward, and McGonagall sighed, turning back to the pranked kids.

"I am afraid that I cannot cancel this spell. You must wait until the effects vanish. Until then, you will be stuck like this, unfortunately."

Rose explodes right then and there, turning to the Hall in anger.

"How dare you do this to me! I am the Girl-Who-Lived, the Saviour of the Magic World! How can you treat me like this! I order the one who did this to undo what they have done!"

The Hall was silent once again, people staring in disbelief at the girl.

She wasn't anything like any of them had believed. She wasn't kind like anyone had thought, just an arrogant brat!

Some thought that it was because of embarrassment, and dismissed it, but others were alarmed.

Was this the real her?

The rose-tinted (Author: pfft, unintentional pun) visions of many shattered, while others persuaded themselves that this was a one time thing, that they understood her wrong.

Just then, one of the Weasley twins (George, Harry could recognize. He was one of the only to be able to identify the twins.) spoke up.

"If you've defeated You-Know-Who, then this must be nothing for you, right?"

The Hall was so silent that you could hear a pin drop, before Harry, at the Ravenclaw table, burst out laughing.

Everyone turned to him, and seeing him so amused, most couldn't hold themselves any longer either.

More than half of the students burst out laughing, some 'ooh'ing.

"Ooh, burn!" cried out Lee Jordan, urging the others to laugh even harder.

He With The Jewel Eyes // A Grey Harry Potter - Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now