4 Years Later

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Years had passed, and now Harry and Rose were 5 years of age. They had grown up beautifully.

Now, with their parents' incredible genes, the two were extremely good looking, even for toddlers.

Rose had shoulder length messy Potter hair, which she always wore a tiara with, and her eyelashes had grown. Her eyes were covered by her wired glasses that were a perfect copy of her father's. She also had the Fortescue face shape due to Alice Longbottom (nee Fortescue) being her blood-adopted godmother. (Speaking of her, she wasn't incapacitated anymore thanks to Lily and several healers'  joint effort, which had created a new spell capable of healing severe mind damage.) Overall, she was a bit chubby from all the food she ate, but she was a healthy and cute baby.

Her personality was more like James' as well. She was pampered just like their father had been in their childhood, so it wasn't surprising really. But she didn't have the creativity of their father's, which he used for pranks. Instead, it seemed she had only gotten his negative points. She loved bullying Harry for 'being more important than him', and Harry being the mature adult he was, ignored her completely.

One part of her personality came from her mother: she practically worshipped magic. But she took that a bit further and decided Muggles were beneath her. She had above average talent for charms and transfiguration, from Harry's experience with people's cores, but she was absolutely shit at potions or herbology.

While Harry, Harry was quite different from his former life. In this life, he wasn't a carbon copy of his father except the eyes: he was a perfect mixture. And with Sirius as his blood-adopted godfather, he also had the Black futures on his face, giving him an aristocratic look.

His hair was pitch black, with silky curles falling down his head. His eyes were a vibrant Avada Kedavra green, and his other futures were delicate. His eyes were thankfully not near blind this time, he had perfect vision.

From his love for running even at an early age, he had less fat than average for his age, and his body had slight muscles, but nothing too noticeable.

His personality... Well, it was closer to his mother's to say the least.

He was incredibly perceptive and a fast learner. His talent for magic was unseen before. Other than Divination, which he had no talent for, he studied every single type of magic he could find, including dark magic, which meant secret trips to the Black Library.

He was also very kind and hardworking. He never complained about anything, and always helped his parents in anyway he could. His parents were more relieved by that than they showed: if both of them were like Rose, they wouldn't have known what to do.

But even with his kindness, he never let himself become a servant or manipulated. Do when Rose ordered him to do her part of the chores, or be a house elf for her, he always declined.

This drove Rose insane, and she started threatening him, pushing him around, and even harming him. Their parents weren't aware of this, and the worst that happened was him falling down, so he never complained.  

If it turned to abuse, though, he would inflict her worst nightmares upon her.

After that night four years ago, Rose had become unimaginably famous. Every single magical child knew her name, and many worshipped her as the next Merlin, which was ridiculous really, given her disgusting personality.

Also, who believed that a one-year-old could defeat a feared and ridiculously powerful Dark Lord? Really, were people that dumb?

The answer: yes. Yes they were.

Whenever they went out to Diagon Alley, or anywhere where magicals resided, people flocked to her like pigeons, and she sucked in all the attention and praise like sponge, her already arrogant behaviour becoming intolerable.

She believed the world revolved around her.

Harry believed her ego was already the size of Earth. That was the only thing that revolved around her.

Even Dumbledore acted like she was the best thing that happened to him. He always praised her and even promised to teach her personally, enlargening her already inflated ego.

It was actually Dumbledore who had wrongly declared Rose as the Saviour of the Magical World. He had taken a single look at both of their magical cores, and seeing Harry's depleted from taking the spell, he had declared that Rose had used Harry's magic to ward of the Killing Curse.

It was such bullshit that Harry had cracked up inside. Almost as bad as the cause of their survival being 'their mother's love'. Bullshit, it was because of the magical vow Voldemort had taken unknowingly by agreeing to Snape's request of sparing Lily, whose thrice defiance had transferred the vow to the twins.

After Dumbledore had told that, he had actually had the balls to request the couple to abandon Harry, because 'he would be jealous of Rose's fame' and 'because Rose had drawn his magic there was a high chance of him having become a Squib' which were such moronic conclusions that even Lily and James had gaped at him in disbelief, and refused to comply.

Really, asking someone to abandon one of their children for the other? That was utter idiocy, and for a 'brilliant' man like Dumbledore to actually suggest such a thing had made their parents question their loyalty to Dumbledore.

Remus and Sirius had also started acting colder to the man. After thinking about it, they had noticed that while Dumbledore was an important benefactor to Remus, he was the only werewolf to attend school.

If Dumbledore didn't discriminate against Dark Creatures, then why didn't he help other werewolves, who suffered from a curse like him?

And Sirius, if Lily and James hadn't helped him, Dumbledore wouldn't have told the public that Peter Pettigrew had been the Secret Keeper of their house. If -Merlin be damned- something had happened to the Potters and they had been incapacitated, or worse, dead, then no one would have known that Sirius had not betrayed them.

And wasn't that a terrifying thought. That Dumbledore would allow an innocent man to be imprisoned in Azkaban if it meant saving his own hide.

It was he who suggested them to leave the powerful wards of Potter Mansion, to the 'unpredictable' place of Godric's Hollow.

It was as if he had wanted them to be found.

And in Sirius' case, wasn't someone from a Dark family the best scapegoat for a mistake you yourself have made?

And Dumbledore's reputation would have made sure that he had done the right thing, that he wasn't at fault.

Just the thought was outrageous, yet true: Dumbledore did not care about them. He only saw them as puppets to control and help maintain his own reputation as the Lord of the Light.

This had been discussed within the house before, and therefore Dumbledore was now removed from their wards, banned to visit them indefinitely.

They had also quit the Order of the Phoenix, as there was no need to be there anymore. All they contributed to it was money now, and after some calculation, it was way too pricy.

They had trusted the Headmaster before, and he had actually stolen from them!

It seems the old man was much more different than they had originally thought.

And wasn't that even more terrifying to begin with? The amount of acting skill that man had?

As they realized this, Harry grinned. A few slight compulsion charms to make them start questioning the old coot, and the results were spectacular.

He wasn't even sorry for using magic on them. After all, it was all for the Greater Good.

Thousands of miles away, the Headmaster shuddered for no reason. For some reason, his instincts screamed that something he had not been expecting would happen soon.

He was an idiot for not listening to them, he realized years later, when he was ruined, left without pride or penny.

He With The Jewel Eyes // A Grey Harry Potter - Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now