Luna Lovegood

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Harry had to say that the only reason the Welcoming Ceremony hadn't been boring was because he was filled with the excitement of welcoming one of his best friends from his past life. As soon as he had lain his eyes upon her, he was met with familiar hazy blue orbs staring right back at him. This didn't surprise him, for Luna Lovegood had the blood of Seers, and unlike that quack Trelawney, hers was as real as it could get.

After she was sorted, the blonde girl walked straight up to Harry and sat next to him as if it was the most natural thing to do, smiling her dreamy smile at him as she did so.

"Hello, Harry. It's nice to see you again after thirteen years."

Her words caused Terry to cough, choking on his spit in his surprise, and Anthony immediately patted him on the back to help. When his fit was over, he finally let out the words he was screaming in his head.

"What are you talking about? Harry's not even twelve yet?" His confusion was obvious, and Harry couldn't help but let an amused smile bloom on his lips. Ignoring his friend's bafflement, he replied to Luna, unfazed by her seemingly ridiculous question.

"Why yes, it has. May I ask if you have lived it or Seen it?" he answered politely, making heads turn to him as well, wondering what in the world he was talking about.

Luna smiled sweetly, and her eyes looked through his pair, never completely focused due to the mess she called her mindscape as she Saw things others could not.

"Seen, I'm afraid. I'm happy you managed to make it, though," she told the boy, making him nod in slight disappointment, though it was to be expected. His Luna had died a year before he had in his previous life, so meeting her again now was a pleasure and joy.

He gave a slightly melancholic smile, his head bowed slightly down.

"I expected that, but thank you very much."

Luna simply nodded in answer and turned back towards the table, the dishes having appeared moments ago during their short conversation. Terry nudged him from his side, face filled with disbelief and puzzlement, seeking answers from the only other person who understood the conversation.

"What did she mean?" he whisper-yelled into Harry's ear, a disturbed look on his face.

Harry replied with a mysterious smile.

"I wonder."

Knowing that he wouldn't tell more, the boy pouted but leaned away, instead, starting a conversation about his summer break, others nearby joining him in comparing theirs. Harry was also asked, and he replied by telling them he spent it studying, causing many to groan in disgust. They had expected it, though, as the boy had a great passion for learning.

In the end, the food and drink disappeared, and the stood up to make their ways to their individual common rooms. On the way, Harry greeted many portraits, having befriended them the previous year by researching them and asking them questions about their lives, things they enjoyed talking about.

This was helpful as they helped him with intelligence when needed. One of Hogwarts' strongest networks was its 'portrait intelligence network', and the Headmasters of all times had used this network for their benefit. And while they were first and foremost loyal to Hogwarts and therefore the Headmaster, because Dumbledore had been mistreating the magical castle, the portraits indulged him in his needs more than necessary, for he radiated the energy of the Hogwarts Founders, conversed with them a way no one else had for hundreds of years, and treated them kindly.

The magic of Hogwarts followed him wherever he went, embracing him like a warm blanket, and this was why the portraits knew he was the Prince of Hogwarts, the real owner of this magical castle. He shared traits with all four founders, his Slytherin side a bit more dominant in a way that satisfied them, knowing he wasn't a naïve boy who didn't understand the real face of the world. 

He gave a sense of comfort, with that small smirk resting on the edge of his lips, not one of arrogance but of rightful confidence. He gave a sense of mystery, one that made him seem like he knew things he should not, yet he never acted upon this knowledge. He gave a sense of power, a power greater than they had ever witnessed, yet he hid this power, acting as if he was a regular child new to magic.

He was the perfect Heir to this magical treasure of a place, and the portraits felt comforted with this knowledge. Hogwarts had been declining in both magic and security for centuries now, but with the arrival of this boy, the tides would quickly change. This boy would surely restore Hogwarts' glory to its peak again.

The Ravenclaws students arrived at the door opening to the common room, a knock on the doorknob from the Prefect urging it to let out a riddle, one that was easily answered. With the door open, the students walked inside, the messy sound of their footsteps accompanied by the awed gasps leaving the mouths of the first-year students.

The fifth-year male Prefect stepped forward, informing the first-years of the rules of the House and their designated bedtimes, only two hours away for the youngest ones. Then came Professor Flitwick's speech, the polite half-goblin telling the first-years they could talk to him anytime. They were urged to unpack afterwards, all students heading to their designated rooms, Harry and his year mates now a flight of stairs higher.

Once inside, they found the luggage -except for Harry's, for he did not trust Dumbledore not to attempt to go through it (not that he could with all the spells on it)- and started to take out their belongings and placing them in their cupboards.

Instead of unpacking, because leaving his belongings inside his trunk was much safer and tidier than taking them out, Harry let himself fall on his bed and bounce slightly, exhaling in exhaustion.

Whenever it was, the train ride was quite mentally taxing for him. He much preferred sleeping on his bed mind you, and so he proceeded to do so as quickly as possible.

Changing into his sleepwear with a flick of his wand, he bid his friends, who were planning to stay up all night to chat, goodnight, and quickly closed his curtains, applying several privacy spells as soon as he was alone. He then put up an alarm spell, placed his wand back into its holster, and the holster to where it was glued magically on the surface of the curtain, then let himself drop.

He was asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow.

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