The Sorting Ceremony

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After exiting the train, Harry headed towards the Black Lake, where Hagrid waited with the boats. He ignored the man's shouting, and stood at the side, another book about rare magical species in his hands, having successfully finished the one on Arithmancy on the train.

First years gathered up around the half-giant, and the man boarded his boat, urging to students to board as well.

Harry randomly chose one, and glanced back at the man he had been quite fond of in his previous life.

If it weren't for his naivete, and full trust in the old goat, Hagrid was a wonderful man, but precisely because of his trust in Dumbledore, He wouldn't approach him.

He wouldn't allow Dumbledore to learn anything valuable about him, even if it meant not socializing with his friends in his previous life, well, the ones not there for the money.

Sorry, Neville, he thought sadly, glancing at said boy looking shyly to the ground, with Ross bragging loudly about her new broom. Until you are away from my sister, I cannot allow myself to talk to you.


After they arrived and jumped off the boats, Harry stayed in the corner, making himself as unnoticeable as possible in order not to attract any attention.

"Red hair, hand-me-down clothes... you must be a Weasley." came the familiar voice of Draco Malfoy.

"Shut up, you filthy Death Eater!" cried out Ron Weasley, making Harry sigh.

Malfoy, in his previous life, while quite antagonistic, had been on their side. In fact, he had only won against Voldemort thanks to the blond throwing him his wand.

Ron, on the other hand, had been a whiny bitch, always jealous of the attention Harry got, unwanted attention, he had informed the redhead many times, and being unhelpful generally.

He shook his head at the blatant moron the boy was.

Accusing an eleven-year-old of being a Death Eater? That would have meant that he had been marked at a year-old at oldest, and a newborn at youngest.

What bullshit.

Malfoy scoffed.

"My father was under the Imperius Curse. We are innocent, as proven by the Wisengamot."

Harry held in his snort.

It was public knowledge that the Ministry had received a generous donation days before the Death Eater trials.

Plus, one couldn't receive the Dark Mark without desiring it, although this piece of information wasn't known by many.

Young Malfoy was also quite idiotic, it seemed.

McGonagall arrived with the clacking of her shoes. Her speech was the exact same as in Harry's previous life, so he zoned out, instead caressing Hogwarts' magic with his own, the castle responding immediately, a smile gracing his face at the warm feeling.

This was another thing he had noticed in his previous life.

Heirs and Lords of Hogwarts could interact with the castle's magic.

He now had connection to the wards, and frowned as he felt them, going over them one by one.

Just like in his last life, the wards had been tampered with.

There were multiple anti-apparation wards, but a single one would have been enough to hold anyone out, so they were just a waste of magic.

There were also several magic leaches on Dark Creature repelling wards, and several detection wards put to monitor magic cast in the hallways.

He With The Jewel Eyes // A Grey Harry Potter - Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now