Chapter Thirteen

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After Bakugo's passing, UA was shut down, being declared as a "school unable to defend their students" in all the papers. Now, you all didn't really know what to do. Wait? Go to another school? The outlook seemed dim.

You, along with the rest of class 1-A and other UA students attended Bakugo's funeral. You couldn't help but feel guilty. Why hadn't you checked on him earlier? If only you did, then maybe you could've saved him.

There was a small investigation of his death, and you were one of the suspects. Thankfully, there was cam footage of the male and female dorms, and no one had left their rooms when Bakugo was murdered. Apparently, it was no one in the school which was strange, but good.

But you weren't good. You weren't okay in the slightest. His death fucked you up, real bad. Most days, you couldn't even leave your bed, spending them crying or staring at the ceiling blankly. And most nights, you had nightmares, or just cried yourself to sleep.

Shouto constantly checked up on you, coming in at least once a day. There was barley any conversation between you two, since you were usually the one who talked the most. He seemed to be taking this a lot better than you, acting as if nothing happened. You didn't judge, everyone grieved differently and had their own processes. You guessed this was a part of his.

It was mid afternoon, and all you managed to do was take a shower, brush your teeth, and change your clothes. Then, it was back to laying in bed.

You eventually fell asleep for a bit, and when you woke back up, Todoroki was standing at the table, this back turned to you so you couldn't see what he was doing.

"I brought you some ice cream. Your favorite flavor."  He handed you a bowl, sticking a spoon in it. Muttering a thanks, you began to dig in. 

He took a seat on the corner of your bed, sending you a small glance. At least you were eating.

"So, would you like to watch some anime? We could watch Howl's Moving Castle again. I know how much you love Howl." He offered, scratching his neck awkwardly. He hoped that talking about one of the anime men you fangirled over would help get you to open up. He was wrong. You said nothing.

Once you finished up eating, Todoroki gently took your hand, catching you by surprise. "Todoroki, what are you-"

"Let's go to my house. It's not healthy for you to stay in this cramped apartment all day long. C'mon." He told you. You looked into his heterochromatic eyes, finally giving in.

"Fine." With a soft tug, he managed to pull you up from the bed you called a home. "Wait, could you do one more thing for me, while me go?"


"Just- don't let go of my hand, please."

"Of course."

The walk to Shouto's was nice and peaceful, and it was refreshing to finally be outside again. The sun felt nice and warm against your skin, and the city air smelled shitty as always. But it was still comforting to get a whiff of that same shitty odor. Todoroki helped you through the walk, his hand making you feel calm and content.

Eventually, you reached his place, and it seemed like everyone was gone. His siblings must've been out and his father....well you know what he was doing.

  After being in bed for so long, a small walk like that was tiring, especially because of how mentally drained you were from the grief and depression.

"Can I lay down? I'm feeling a little drowsy." You asked, and he led you over to his room. He laid you down on his bed, soon moving in under the covers after you.

You both looked each other in the eyes, not even wanting to move. You could never grow tired of staring at Todoroki. The man himself was just a masterpiece of beauty and attractiveness. How did you ever get so lucky to  have him as a neighbor and a friend?

"Are you feeling any better now?"  He questioned.

"Yes. Today helped. Thank you Shou." You smiled at him. He ran a hand around your thigh, pulling you into his chest, rubbing your back soothingly. He missed touching you like this. He missed feeling your soft skin, and silky hair, smelling your intoxicating scent, god he loved all of it. He loved all of you.

"Promise me one something. Promise me that you won't leave me. Please, Shouto. I cant lose anymore people in my life."

He should just say it. Right now. Just three simple words.

I love you.

That's all he had to say. But he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Maybe it was the right thing to do. You were still healing, after all, and he doubted you could take this. But it was hurting his heart. He needed to tell you.

"I promise."

What happened next caught him off guard. You kissed him. Actually kissed him. On his lips. It was a moment he had been wanting for a long time. He kissed you back, and you pulled away, resting your head on his chest. He understood now. You had done that, since you needed closure with Bakugo. You missed him, and this was one of your ways of coping, he supposed. Doing something you once did with him.

Todoroki didn't mind though, and didn't think much of it, he just held you closely to him.

Your phone went off, and after glancing at the notifications, you silenced it. "Just my uncle."

But it wasn't. In fact, it wasn't anyone related to you. It was Dabi.

Ever since Bakugo's death, you didn't really know how to talk to him. The arsonist couldn't understand what you were going through, especially since he wasn't a fan of him. So, you had been blowing him off for a week or two. And it seemed like he was getting impatient.


Dabi: Hey Doll , how r u?

Dabi: I miss you Dollie, text me back when you get this

Dabi: I need you baby, I've been missing you and your body

Dabi: Text me back when you get this.

Dabi: I'm not a patient man. Don't make me go over there.

Dabi: Don't you want to help me?

Dabi: I'm coming over soon. I need to see my little doll.


Also I agree with you guys. I'm banning Dabi's cooch and kith privileges for two weeks 


And also, I am getting a Yandere hawks fanfic in the works. So get ready for that, because it's going to blow ur fucking socks off

Byebye! Till next time angels and darlings! <3

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