Chapter Three

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You spent most of your first day at camp pushing yourself in strengthening your quirk. Everyone else was doing something to test their limits and try to push past them. For you, it was forcing yourself to keep moving, like jumping around, while blasting large amounts of water at the same time so it would increase the amount of water and power released.

Since you used your quirk in a similar way as Bakugo and Todoroki, you were in the same vicinity as them. While you worked, you watched as Bakugo put his hands into boiling hot water and then blast an explosion into the air and Todoroki alternating ice attacks and fire attacks. They both were truly amazing and so talented, it made you a bit jealous watching them. But mostly, it made you inspired and impressed.


After the long day of training, you sat and ate with the others. And then, you heard that little boy, Kota get called in as well.

Kota, the orphan....You reminded yourself, remembering the things you heard the other day. Finishing up your food, you watched as the boy ignored his caretakers and went off by himself. Then, you watched Izuku go after him.

While you knew it was none of your business, you still followed along behind Deku. You needed to tell him something, anything. You just needed to say what you needed to hear all those years ago...when he died.

You eventually reached a small clearing on the mountain, where you could see the moon and stars. It had quite the beautiful view and seemed like a place where you could contemplate and be alone with your thoughts. You had to give the kid credit, he found a great spot.

Patiently, you waited for Izuku to finish talking to Kota. You heard some of the things he was saying, and while he did make a few good points, it wouldn't do anything. It wasn't going to help him. It would only make him even more angry.

Sighing, you walked over to the five year old. You could see the sorrow and rage all over his face.

"It's a nice night out, huh?"

He looked up from the ground, glaring at you. "Oh no. Not another one. Can't you just leave me alone?!"

"Slow down, I just want to talk to you." You told him calmly.

"I don't want to listen! I'm sick and tired of you wannabe heros telling me how I should feel! It's ridiculous for you to show off your stupid flashy quirk just to get killed!" He yelled at you.

You clenched your fist, gritting your teeth together. "I'm not trying to tell you how you should feel. I'm trying to say I understand."

"How could you understand how I feel?! You-"

"Have you heard of the Prohero, Tsunami?" You felt your hand relax, and you leaned against the rocky wall near you, looking up at the star covered sky. "Tsunami, I mean, my father gave his life for me and others, protecting them. It all happened right in front of my eyes and...What I'm trying to say is I know how you feel. I know how angry you are, that you think it's their fault, or that it's someone else's for not being there to save them. The only reason why I want to be a hero is because of my father. Hell, I don't even know if this is right for me. But, I just wanted to let you know as much as you might feel like it, you're not alone. There are people here for you."

Brushing away the tears welling up in your eyes, you gave Kota the best smile you could. He was no longer scowling, and just had a blank expression. You didn't expect him to say anything else, so you just turned away and walked off.

"...Thank you." He murmured, too quiet for you to hear.

You didn't even mean to share some of the things you said to Kota, but you supposed a part of you was venting feelings that had been trapped inside for a while. Maybe you were realizing how you felt on a few things as well. But, it didn't matter now. What mattered was if you helped him or not. You hoped you did.


As night fell, the Vanguard action squad stood from the distance. Watching, waiting, preparing for their next move.

Dabi couldn't help but fantasize and feel his excitement grow as he gazed at the camp from afar with his icy blue eyes. Those round beautiful (e/c) eyes of yours, finally meeting his again. Finally seeing him again. After all these years.

How would you react? Would you accept him, or be afraid? Would you fight, or run away?

A sadistic part of him was wanting, craving for you to be afraid. Oh how he would love to see the way your body would shiver, how you would tremble with fear.

And if you fought him...that would be even better. He wanted a little show, and Dabi loved a woman with some fire and conviction to her.

He was basically itching to find you while you were sleeping and take you away and....But of course, he had to have patience, and he had to keep the freaks he was working with in line as well.

"Three more, and then we will attack. The first thing we have to do is take away their sense of peace, and show them, that their lives rest in our hands."

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