Your Ending

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You stayed with Dabi for a long time and you couldn't take it anymore. You had to leave. While Dabi was all that you could love, you yearned to be free again. You yearned for the independence you once had, the strength, the resolve. But it was all gone now.

Or was it? Because you had been thinking of an escape for weeks now, and tonight, you were finally going to do it.

You could barely sleep that night, tossing and turning, while Dabi was knocked out cold. And at around one in the morning, you finally decided to do it.

You sat up in bed, looking over at the empty wall. Maybe you shouldn't do this, maybe you weren't ready. You'd never succeeded escaping him before, so how could you now?

But then you remembered Bakugo, Shouto, and Hawks. The three who gave their lives so you could get a better one. And you knew it wouldn't hurt to try.

So, you got to your feet, slipping on a pair of your sneakers from the closet, silently leaving through the door, shutting it behind you, and locking it.

You ran off into the night, trying to figure out where you were located in the city. You knew you were in the bad part, and that you had to stay safe and out of sight to make it to the police department. 

You stopped dead still in your steps, hearing an all too familiar voice. "How many times do you have to learn? You're never escaping me, Dollface. You're mine. The marks I left on you will show that."

"Get away from me, Dabi." You answered, your hands balling into fists, and your body trembling. "I love you, but I can't do this anymore. I can't take it. I need to be free. So, I'm leaving, and you can't stop me."

That managed to anger Dabi, causing him to lunge at you, knife in one hand, flames in the other. You dodged him, continuing to run off.

Just two blocks away, I can do this. I can make it. I can be free.

Blue flames blasted at you, and you sprayed some water from your hands, putting them out. But they only grew stronger.

The fire began to bite at your legs, making you cry out in pain, and the next thing you knew, he tackled you to the ground.

"Maybe I should just keep you shackled up. Or maybe you would prefer if I made you a burnt corpse." He hissed, his hand creating more flames. That was a lie because he knew he couldn't lose you. He already had so many people mistreat him and leave him. He was not having you do the same.

You kicked him off, blasting him with all the water you could. You limped off, feeling your muscles begin to tighten and grow sore. Never had you used your quirk that much.

In a matter of minutes, he was back to his feet, following after you slowly. It seemed you did quite the number on him too.

Suddenly, he grabbed your shoulders, slamming you into the brick wall. You struggled underneath his grip, trying to fight back. But he was too strong.

"Why can't you see? You're mine, and that's all you'll ever amount to. That's all you'll ever be. My toy, my baby, my plaything. Understand?"

Using all the strength you had left, and your pure will, you punched Dabi, right in the face, knocking him out.

Never had you felt so strong. You finally got control of your life, and you were going to take advantage of it.

You ran off, making it to the police station, where you explained your whole situation. And that was it. You were free.

                            Ending: 3/3

(A/N: It's over, and wow I'm super surprised. What a crazy journey it's been. Like 97k, Thank you guys so much!

Thank you for reading! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed!

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