Chapter Eleven

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The next morning you came back to the academy with a little pep in your step. You were in a great mood because of last night, and the effects it had on you. It seemed like someone finally liked you, cared for you, and connected with you. Of course, you had felt that with others, but this was different. This was special.

Throughout your classes, you struggled to focus. All you could think about was Dabi. The arsonist villain who you lost your v-card to. You planned to change that villain and arsonist part.

The next thing you knew, class was over and it was time for lunch. But before you could leave, Aizawa stopped you.

"(Y/n), where were you last night?"

What? He knew I left? But he was sleeping! I made sure everyone was knocked out when I left. Crap, I'm so screwed.

"I was visiting my father's grave. Sorry I didn't tell you or get permission to leave. I thought it would be a short trip but it was longer than I imagined." You lied, praying he wouldn't see right through you.

He looked at you for a couple of moments before speaking again, causing you to internally panic. "You have to tell people when you're going to do that Todoroki can visit his mother just fine with permission, you should be able to do the same. You're lucky I'm cutting you some slack and not suspending you. The next time you do that, I will suspend you. Got it?"

"Yes sir." You nodded. He then dismissed you, letting you rush off to lunch.


Choosing someone to sit next to was harder than you thought. You would sit with Todoroki, but he seemed angry with you. The same could be said about Bakugo.

Speaking of Bakugo, he was sitting and glaring at you right now. Mina was waving you over to their table which confused you. Usually, they didn't want much to do with you, so why did they want you to sit with them now?

You took a seat next to Kirishima, who was beside Bakugo. "So (y/n), what's going on with you? You've been acting different, ever since the Kamino incident."

"Oh, I don't know, I guess times have changed. I realized some things I never knew about myself." You replied with a shrug. So that's why they wanted you to sit with them. To figure out the drama.

"So you decided to start abandoning your classmates and never even talking with them?" Bakugo chimed in, his gaze, hot and angry, still focused on you.

"Woah, what's your problem?" Sero asked. The others all went quiet, seeing how pissed he was.

"If you have a problem with me, Katsuki, then we could discuss it outside." You told him, not backing off or fearing him in the slightest.

"Fine." He stood from the table, pushing his tray to the side. "Let's go."

You both walked out of the cafeteria, leaving to the dirt paths outside. The trees blew in the nice spring wind, blowing the tress a little and through your hair, pushing your  (h/c) strands up.

"I know that you're texting that villain. And I know you left last night. I told Mr.Aizawa."

"What?" You felt your eyes widen with shock and your body ran hot with shame.

"Want me to say it again? You're the traitor, aren't you? You left all of us. Just because of your parents. Just because of him!" His voice rang with betrayal and pain.

"No, I'm not! I can't believe you told him! It's none of your business!" You cried out at him, feeling the tears jerk at the corner of your eyes. You were so screwed. You were probably going to spend the rest of your life in prison.

"It is my business if I know you're throwing your life away for some villain! The only (y/n) I know would never do that!"

"I'm not trying to join him! I'm trying to help him! You don't understand, to figure out you've been lied to. To figure out you spent your whole life trying to be like a hypocrite! God, I'm just like him. And I hate that! I can't stand living like this!" Tears began to fall, streaming down your face.

"Then don't." Bakugo caressed your cheek, wiping away the tears. The next thing you knew, he pulled you into a kiss, making you freeze in place. After a second you started kissing him back, not even noticing someone else watching.

"I'm in love with you, (y/n). I always have been. Just, please, you don't have to live like this. You could stay with me. We could become heroes together. Please, don't go. If I lost you, I don't know what I'd do."

You didn't know how to react. You didn't know what to say. So you said the only thing you could think of. Just one word. "Okay."


Dabi knew he couldn't break into the campus security, but it didn't stop him from following and watching you from afar. And what he saw made him go into pure rage.

That Bakugo brat kissing you. How could he? How dare he? You were his, and he had made sure of it.

Couldn't he see the marks on your neck? It showed you belong to him. He was your first for everything. And he was supposed to be the last.

But this kid, he was trying to steal you. Jealousy, anger, and resentment pumped through his veins, and Dabi knew he had to do something.

Something that should've been done a long time ago.

(A/N: Buckle up guys, the next chap is gonna be rough

Anyways, new chap in honor of the new manga chap posted for mha. Pls no spoilers in the comment section!

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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