Chapter Twenty One

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It all started with a death. The death of Twice.

But it wasn't Dabi's doing, no. It couldn't be. Because he was with you when it all happened. You heard about what happened from Toga, who looked incredibly distraught as she walked over to her room, closing the door behind herself silently.

You sat there in shock. You had done all he wanted, you had behaved, you'd done everything. But someone still ended up getting hurt. Was it even your fault this time? Probably.

"I knew that damned bastard shouldn't be trusted. Stay here, where it's safe, okay baby? I'm going to deal with something." He told you, giving you a little peck on your forehead.

That something was Hawks. He was the one who killed Twice. But why? Didn't he realize this messed everything up? That he was caught? That he couldn't save you and get you out of here?

"Fuck!" You swore, running your hands through your hair, tugging at the strands over your face. Tears streamed down your cheeks, and you felt your body begin to tremble. What were you going to do? What were you going to do??

While you didn't know him that well, you always thought Twice was a nice guy. He just had a couple of screws loose. He didn't deserve to die.

You remembered one night when he found you crying. He comforted you and made feel better by telling you some jokes and a few stories. As it turns out, he was super funny.

"I'm so sorry, Jin." You muttered, putting your hands over your face. "I didn't want things to be this way."

You took a long breath, trudging over to your room. You doubted Dabi would be back for a while. You collapsed onto your bed, shoving your face into your pillow. All you wanted to do was disappear. Disappear so you no longer had to face these problems. Disappear so you could finally be free again. Disappear so you couldn't suffer anymore.

With that, you felt your eyelids grow heavy, and you eventually drifted off to sleep. The only time when you were actually happy.


  You awoke to Dabi wrapping his arms around you, and laying down by your side. His hair was more messy than normal and he seemed a little banged up. It was probably from fighting with Hawks. Did he kill him? Was it done with? Was it all over?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, Dollface." He mumbled softly, keeping you pressed against his chest.

"...Is he dead?" Dabi didn't answer, tucking his head into the crook of your neck. "What if he was? Would you be upset, doll?" 

Don't cry. Don't show you're scared. Don't be upset. Don't show any emotion. He's testing me. If you can keep him from knowing, then maybe Hawks is still alive. And maybe he could survive.

"No." You lied, causing a sick grin to cross his features. "Damn. I never expected you to be cold. Seems that you've learned well. Good girl."

He wrapped the blanket around you, pulling you closer. "Goodnight, Doll."

"Goodnight, Dabi." But you didn't fall asleep.
Not at all, no. You were up, still thinking about Hawks, wondering if he would make it.

Right as you began to fall asleep there were a few taps outside your window, and you saw a figure behind it. Not just any figure, it was Hawks. He pointed to the right, gesturing he wanted to go outside.

Doing as told, you silently slipped out of Dabi's hands, quietly leaving his room and exiting the building.

You stood outside, seeing him fly down to you, his wings, golden eyes, and pale skin glistening in the moonlight. He was littered with burn scars, his jacket discarded, leaving him in his black undershirt.

"What do you want?" You asked, crossing your arms and refusing to look at him.

"What do you mean what do I want? I'm going to get you out of here." You felt your heart pang a little. Despite the risk, he came back just to save you. Maybe he was a true hero, after all.

"Why should I trust you? After what happened with Twice-"

"I thought I told you, we both have our own jobs. I had to do mine." He interrupted you, making you clench your fist.

"That's what you thought of it as? A job? Deceiving, manipulating, pretending to be friends with Jin, just so you could stab him in the back? Just so you could kill him? You're no better than Dabi." You said, stepping away from him, looking at him with complete disgust and betrayal.

"(Y/n), we don't have time for this. We need to go, now." He told you, reaching out for you. You smacked his hand away, making him grunt in frustration, getting more forceful now. He grabbed you, pulling you back to him. But before he could take off, there stood Dabi looking furious.

Oh No.



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