Chapter Five

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The aftermath of the attacks at the training camps came quick. Some villains were apprehended while most got away scott-free with two of UA's strongest students. Well, at least that's what the news said.

Everyone in 1-A was frustrated. Especially Todoroki, Deku, and Kirishima. They had all lost someone important to them.

There stood all of the students in Deku's room, arguing over whether to go and save you and Bakugo.

While Todoroki might've kept that same look of calamity and cool while he told them their plan, he was panicked and worried. He couldn't lose you. If he did....he didn't know what he would do. He couldn't see his life without you, whether that be friend, significant other, or rival, as long as you were there with him, that's all that mattered.

"Shouldn't we leave this to the pros? I'm sure they have a plan, and (y/n) and Bakugo are definitely strong enough to hold off-"

"We can't just sit around and wait! We gotta do something!" Kirishima interrupted Uraraka.

"That's what I said last time, and I lost (y/n)..." Todoroki trailed off. Ever since he lost you, he had been blaming himself for it. He was the one who was supposed to care for you, he was the one closest to you, and he failed. He let you slip right between his fingers.

"It's not your fault, Todoroki. We all messed up." Deku reassured him.

"Yeah..." He mumbled, and Kirishima continued on.


You woke up in a weird position. You were standing, and your arms were chained to two huge cinderblock like cuffs. Next to you was Bakugo, who was quickly coming to as well. At least he was okay. It seemed like you were in some bar which was empty, for the time being.

"What the hell, where am I?" Bakugo asked, immediately struggling in his cuffs.

For some reason, you were strangely calm. "Relax, Bakugo. Struggling isn't going to help anything."

"What do you know? They could kill us!"

"If they wanted to kill us, they would've done so already." You told him.

"Why are you acting so calm?! Your dumbass got caught!" He shouted at you.

Despite being kidnapped, you were still willing to argue with Bakugo. "Because I was trying to save you, jerkface! You should be grateful!"

The sound of a door opening managed to put an end to your argument with Bakugo. In came the same villains you had fought with from before.

They were all watching you as well as Bakugo, like they wanted an answer or something. Especially that one guy with the patches.

You could see him a little better now that you weren't in the dark of night. He stood around with some of the others, hands stuffed in his pockets, his bright blue eyes basically staring through you. There was something hypnotic and familiar to him, and you wanted to stay away from whatever it was.

"Katsuki Bakugo and (Y/n) (L/n). Well here we are." Shigaraki, the man behind the USJ attacks and leader of the League of Villains said, taking a seat at one of the bar stools.


Dabi listened intently to Shigaraki's conversation with the students, simply standing there. He couldn't lie, he was a little frustrated at the moment.

After all, you did risk your life for some UA brat. It's not like he would've done the same for you. Dabi could barely even stand the fact that you were so close to him right now.

All he wanted to do was take you away and keep you to himself. Unfortunately, you weren't going along with his plans, so he was forced to take another approach. He just had to get you alone and the rest would come easy.


"So will you join us?"

"I'd never join a group of loser villains like you. In fact, i'm going to be number one some day." Bakugo said with a grin. You smiled at him. Sometimes, that kid is too much.

"Well, what about you?" Shigaraki asked, all the attention now being focused on you.

"Of course not. It's stupid that you even ask that because someone from a group just like yours killed my father. I despise villains like you." You spat.

Shigaraki grunted, scratching his neck. "Very well, I guess I'll have to get some back up then. Master! I could use some assistance."

"(Y/n), dear, I think you might want to rethink your decision." A low voice came from the monitor.

"Don't call me dear." You growled. "There's no way I'd rethink it. It's the right thing to do. It's what my father would've wanted and I...I'm going to become a hero!"

"Really? Well I don't think your mother would've thought the same."

Everything stopped. It felt like the whole world was moving in slow motion. "My...mother?"

"Don't listen to him, (y/n)! He's just trying to get under your skin!" Bakugo shouted, and despite the loudness of his voice, his words still fell upon deaf ears.

You had never known your mother, and whenever you would bring it up to your Dad, he wouldn't say much about her. All you knew was that she was dead.

"What about my mother?"

"Of course he didn't tell you. Well, darling, your mother was a villain. One of the few working under me, in fact. And unfortunately, she was the one who killed him."

Your heart stopped, and you almost forgot to breath. "You're lying!"

"Didn't you ever notice something different about your quirk? How you could take on a little more damage than the others? You see, your mother's quirk was nullification. And a part of it was passed down to you."

Through the monitor, you could see the wedding photo of your father and her.

So that's why the gas didn't have as much of an effect on me than it did for the others. And everything else. It all makes sense now.

Everything came together. Your father was lying. He had been lying to you for years.

"Don't judge a person based on their appearance, but based on their actions."

What a hypocrite. What a liar.

You clenched your fists, gritting your teeth together and holding back tears.

"You know what they say, love stops for no one."

And that night, that woman he fought while saving you and the others. That woman who shot him right through the heart, was your mother.

What even were you? What even was this?

"You're lying you sick bastard!" Bakugo shouted, still denying it.

"Tomura, have someone separate (y/n) from Katsuki and let her reflect. It seems she needs some time to think." All for one instructed.

"Dabi, take her and go." Shigaraki told him, and the black haired man started to push you away.

"(Y/n)!" Bakugo cried out.

You gave him a reassuring smile. "It'll all be okay. I'm fine."

Bakugo's voice grew quieter and quieter, and so did the others, as you were moved away to another room, left alone with the patch-faced, arsonist, villain.


In the next chapter 😎

Building up suspense is rough lmao

Also I hate math with a burning passion 🤩

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