Chapter Seven

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Finally getting home, you groaned, collapsing onto your couch. It had been a stressful couple of days full of questioning from detectives, and you finally got to go home today. You were utterly exhausted and your head throbbed in pain. You had been thinking too much.

After what you heard about your father, and the villain you were trying to help, your brain felt overworked. And for some weird reason, that villain, that man couldn't leave your mind. 

Maybe it was something he did. Or maybe it was something you did. You didn't quite understand. You had covered for him after all, but why? You barely knew him. But a part of you still felt it was right.

Or maybe it was that a small part of you that might have found him....a little attractive? The scars on his body only made you even more interested in him. You barely knew anything about him. But you wanted to learn more.

Speaking of, you still had his number. And you hadn't put it into your phone. You don't know what you were waiting for. You were still extremely conflicted about talking to him.

I shouldn't just ghost him, it's not right. He's already had a hard enough life. This might be my only chance to get away from him. He'll probably forget anyways, right?

You sighed, looking over at the clock. 8 pm. You figured you might as well get some rest now rather than stay up all night fighting with your mind.


You woke up with a ton of messages from Todoroki. You had been ignoring him and Bakugo. They both had already or were going to find out about your Dad anyway. And you didn't want to talk about it. You didn't want to face either of them.

You looked over at the table, still seeing the paper with Dabi's name and number scribbled on it. And you know what? You were going to do it. You were going to text him.

Grabbing your phone, you typed up his number, quickly sending out a message.

I did it. I can't believe I actually did it.

You smiled to yourself excitedly, before hearing a knock at the door.

Crap, who is it now?

Standing right at the door was All Might and your homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, who looked pretty good with a clean shave.

"Um, how may I help you?" You asked, shoving the slip of paper into your pocket.

"May we come in?" The two men said.

"Sure." You turned away, leading them into your cluttered house. "Sorry for the mess, I didn't expect guests."

Setting aside all the junk on the table, you let the two teachers sit. "Is there something I can get you? A drink? Tea maybe?"

"No thank you." Aizawa declines. You plopped down on the couch across from them, sitting there awkwardly.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of having, um, you guys here?" You questioned awkwardly. Were you in trouble or something? Did they find out about your lies??? Some fear surged in your stomach.

"We'd like to talk with you, about having you come back to UA and stay in the dorms with the others." All Might told you. It was strange seeing him in such a frail form. You wondered if he was always like this and just hid it from everyone.

"....I'd have to think about it." You murmured. You still didn't know if this was right for you. This was your chance to actually think about what you wanted to do with your life and make a choice for yourself. Not for your father or anyone, but for yourself.

"We would give anything to have you stay. Young (Y/n), I think you'd become a fine hero. You'd make your father proud-"

You glared at All Might. "I'm not doing this for my father anymore."

"Oh, right. My apologies." All Might bowed his head sorrowfully. So he heard the news about your father too, then? Of course he did. You did tell the cops, and you were pretty sure All For One said something to him about it.

"This is your choice, (y/n), and we both understand that you're not like your mother or your father. You can choose your fate. But we'd love to have you. And so would your friends." Aizawa said, sounding actually sincere.

You went quiet, silent in thought. And eventually, you reached your answer.

"Okay, I'll go to UA. But I just want you to know one thing. I'm not doing this for my father or my mother. I want to change society. So anyone can be a hero. So the world can be a more peaceful place. That's what I want."

And that's what Dabi wanted too. You were helping him without even realizing it.

The two pro heroes looked at one another and then nodded to you. "We'll see you at school."

They then left, leaving you alone in your empty home. But then, your phone buzzed. You expected it just to be another message from Shouto, but no. It was someone different.

  So, you guessed you were going to meet with Dabi

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  So, you guessed you were going to meet with Dabi.

(A/N: To be continued.....

Yes, you will get your yandere Dabi time, I promise. I just gotta add development first lmao

But have fun with helping Dabi become a better person but not actually and being manipulated 🤩

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