Chapter One

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It was just another day in class 1-A and you were spending it on the brink of having a  panic attack over final exams. You were honestly surprised you made it this far. Of course, you got into the academy on recommendation from your Father's old hero agency, but still, it was sort of impressive. However, the pressure to succeed was as heavy as ever.

You were the daughter of a fallen hero, and it was your duty to surpass him. It was his dying wish that you became a hero, after all.

"Hey (y/n), you okay?" Kirishima asked, and you realized that the whole class was staring at you. It didn't really take you by surprise, you were bouncing your knee so fast that it basically shook your desk around with it.

"Yeah, just a little nervous, I guess." You murmured, giving them the best smile you could. You had done alright on the midterms, and the written portion of the exam wasn't exactly what you were worried about.

"You better be nervous! I'm gonna crush all of you nerds!" Bakugo chimed in, which was enough to push you off the edge.

You got to your feet, slamming your hands against the desk. "God, would you shut up? You're so damn prideful it annoys the shit out of me!"

The ash blonde snapped his head to you, storming over. "What did you say to me, four eyes?"

Ah yes, the same old nickname Bakugo had given you since you were little. You both were rivals, ever since you started defending Izuku from Bakugo. You switched to contacts years ago, and yet he kept calling you that same name. Probably because he knew it got under your skin.

"I said, shut up, blasty boy." You responded through gritted teeth.

"I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouted in your face. You didn't even flinch, glaring  at him and refusing to back down.

"Go ahead. And when you do, you'll go to prison and i'll haunt your ass for the rest of your life sentence."

"That's enough you two! Save it for the exams. Right now, we should just be preparing for class." Iida interjected, stepping in between the both of you and putting his hands up.

"Yeah or maybe getting a room." Kirishima teased with a sharp-toothed grin.

"Shut up shitty hair!" Bakugo snapped at him.

"Whatever, beefcake." You grumbled to Iida, turning on your heel and sitting down at your desk in the most aggressive manner as possible.

"W-what? I am not a beefcake!" He said in response, blushing and moving his arms around like a robot that had just malfunctioned as he continued to lecture you.

You simply sighed in response, resting your chin on your hand and not paying attention to what he was saying. It was going to be a long day.


Bakugo sat back in his seat, pouting to himself. It was so annoying that you stood up to him like that, like you always did, and yet, he found it kind of hot. It was one of the reasons he....had feelings for you.

He hated to admit it, but after suppressing it for years and seeing you grow into the beautiful person you were, his feelings had blossomed. You made him feel such strange and vulnerable things which had always angered him, ever since he was little. You were one of the few people who would actually fight back against him, who would treat him not as a helpless child like the others, but as a true rival as well as a comrade and your equal, and he loved it. He loved you and truly cared about you, though he probably would never admit it.

The only other person who knew of his feelings was Kirishima, and that was thanks to the shitty sports festival, after he saw you fight with such spirit. He really wanted to fight against you, but to his disappointment, you lost to Todoroki. Bakugo was already exhausted from that day's event, and he couldn't help but let out his secret, to one of his closest, yet annoying, friends.

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