Chapter Fifteen

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            [TW: MENTIONS OF DEATH]

For the past couple of weeks, your paranoia and depression had gotten so much worse. You never left your apartment now, Dabi never let you. You were trapped and feared you were never going to be let free. Once Dabi had you, he was never going to let you go. You knew that.

How could you be so stupid? How could you let all this happen? To Bakugo, to your friends, to yourself, this was all your fault.

"Good morning, dollface." Dabi greeted, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Morning." That was all you managed to say back, an emotionless expression on your face.

He grabbed one of his shirts, pulling it on, along with his jeans, zipping up his fly. "I'm going out today. I got work. Shigaraki called another meeting, damn bastard, trying to keep me from you, I should kill him right where he stands."

"Do one last thing for me, would ya doll?" He walked over to you, grabbing your chin and making you flinch. You forced your eyes to meet his, while he traced his thumb over your lips, feeling how soft and plump they were before he popped it in between them. Submissively, you swallowed your nausea and ran your tongue along the digit, causing him to groan out quietly. He pulled away from his thumb, kissing you.

"I love you, I'll be back soon. And don't you dare try anything, or else you can say goodbye to Shouto."

And when he left, you broke down, crying to your heart's content.

But then those words made you stop.

"I thought you said you would never cry."

I need to fight back. For Bakugo, UA, and Todoroki. He's gone, I can go tell someone, I could get the police, a pro hero, it will all be okay. I can do this.

Standing from the bed, you threw on a cardigan and some sneakers, walking over to the door. But you hesitated when you reached out for the handle.

What if this doesn't go well? What if this just causes Shouto's death?

No. That won't happen. I won't let it. Dabi's on the other side of the city and going to a meeting right now. All I have to do is get to the police station without talking to anyone.

Unfortunately, you had forgotten how busy the city streets were, especially since there was some confrontation between some random villain and a pro hero. Did people care about this stuff? There were so many bigger things, deaths, danger, and all they cared about was some petty fight.

You weaved through the crowd and decided to take a short cut through to the park. But then, you saw him.

There stood Shouto, all alone. "(Y/n)? Is that you? I haven't seen you in weeks, I've been so worried."

In any other scenario, you would be happy to see him. But right now, you just needed to get away.

"I need to go. I can't talk right now." You said, trying to make your way around him.

He stopped you, pulling you back by your sleeves and into his arms, saying something he had repeated in his mind over and over again, for years on end. "I love you."

No. Not again.

You pushed yourself away from him, your eyes once again tearing up. "Take it back. Now. Take it back!"

"What? But I-"

You heard footsteps, and feeling your paranoia peak, you grabbed Todoroki, sprinting with him to the police station.

He could be following us. He knows, doesn't he? Oh no.

"(Y/n), what's going on?" Todoroki asked as you two ran.

"It's Dabi. He killed Bakugo and he's going to try to kill you, and probably me." You told him, continuing through the city. Due to the big fight going on, that left a good part of the city close to empty, most citizens going to work or watching the battle.

"Who's Dabi?"

"Ugh, it doesn't matter, what matters is we need to get to the police station-"

But when you passed an alleyway, you were pulled back by Dabi, getting slammed hard into the brick wall and the ground.

"(Y/n)!" Shouto cried out.

"Run, get out of here! Now!" You yelled at him, while Dabi dug his boot into your back. Your body was in too much pain for you to move, to do anything. All you could do was lay there and watch.

"I knew you were going to run away. What a shame. Now I'm going to have to kill your little friend here." Dabi brought up his hand, blasting Todoroki with flames. And that's when Shouto remembered him.

A small struggle ensued, Dabi and Todoroki fighting. Fire against fire, blood against blood.

Things were a little more difficult for Dabi, especially since this time, his contender was awake. Dabi kept on trying to burn Shouto, but every time, he would use his ice side to stop him.

It seemed like Shouto was actually winning, managing to pin the villain to the wall, about to incapacitate him so you and he could escape.

"It's a shame, you don't even recognize your own brother," Dabi said to him, and Shouto's eyes widened as he looked at him in shock, lowering his guard long enough for Dabi to get to him.

"T-Toya-" And then Toya got Shouto, just like how he got Bakugo. Jamming the knife into his stomach.

"No!" You screamed out, tears streaming down your face.

"Man, that is sad. You were only four blocks away from the police station. You almost made it." He taunted cruelly.

"Please, Dabi- Toya- please let me take him to the hospital. Just let me do that, let him live, and I'll be all yours. I promise." You begged, your voice quivering as you grabbed onto his boot.

He crouched down, gripping your face roughly. "But you already told him about me, didn't you? I'm sorry, babydoll, but I'm not stupid."

He turned away, jamming the knife into Shouto a few more times, making you scream out and cry on the ground, hitting your fist against it.

Life was really brutal, wasn't it?

Then, Dabi slammed your head against the concrete, knocking you out.

(A/N: Just to let y'all know, I'm not fucking Houdini. I can't magically pull chapters out of my ass. I'm glad that you guys like it and I love reading your comments, but, please don't ask me to update.

It's rude and selfish, and no authors like being pressured to update. So just keep that in mind and think before you comment.

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote loves!

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