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~Before you read this chapter I would really like to thank you for giving so much love and support to this story. It really means a lot. I love you people.

Hope you like this chapter.

Love, Roshni.~


"I am not drunk Cedric." I shouted. Cedric and I were at his place and we drank a lot, actually I drank a lot. Vodka, Whiskey, Wine, Water, Coke, Champagne, Beer you name it and I am sure I drank it. I can't even remember the last time I drank so much, maybe it was the last day of my college. I was a complete mess, I don't even remember half of the night or wait was it Sam and Evan's wedding. Ugh nevermind.

"You definitely are, Kathleen." He said, taking the bottle of vodka away from me.  I got up and tried taking the bottle from him. He raised it above his head and I couldn't reach it. Ugh. His stupid height.

He went to the kitchen and I followed him. Why does he always end up going to the kitchen? Cedric opened the fridge. I went and stood against the kitchen slab. 

"I am hungry." Cedric said. "What do you want to have?"

"Someone wasn't going to cook." I said.

"I am not. I am ordering pizza." He said. When he turned around, his hand hit the bottle he placed near the refrigerator and it shattered on the floor.

"Shit." He whispered and looked up at me. "It was your fault." He blamed it on me. How was it even my fault?

"Excuse me?" I said raising my right eyebrow. "How was it my fault?"

"It just was." He shrugged.

"You are an asshole." I said.

"You are an asswipe." He retorted back.

"You are an idiot."

"You are stupid."

"You are a pig."

"You are a bitch."

"Selfish bitch, right?" I said. His facial expression changed and I realised what I said. "I didn't mean-"

"No. I am sorry. I shouldn't have behaved like the way I did yesterday."

"I wasn't also less."

"Oh yes. I always win." He mocked me. I rolled my eyes and a smile lingered on my lips.

"I do always win."

"I know. You made it really clear that day."


"I just realised something." Cedric said.

"What?" I asked, drinking water.

"Your birthday and my book birthday is on the same day."

"Oh wow! Now we can celebrate it together." I said with fake enthusiasm.

"You are really a bitch." He said. I smiled at him.

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