Emma 2.

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Oliver scratches his neck nervously and I shrug off his response. Since it was Friday I decided to spend the night at the twin's house. I ran across the street to pack my bag and say goodnight to my mom. Once I ran back over to the house dinner was already done and ready to eat. I sat down at the same chair next to Oliver, and quickly shot him a smile as my plate was being served to me. Olivia wrapped her arms around Oliver and gave him a nudge so he could fall into my shoulder.

"Sorry Em" Oliver said while regaining his balance from the table he quickly gave Olivia a death stare and continued eating.

I quickly finished my dinner and went upstairs to Olivia's dark turquoise room and slipped into her silk bedsheets Luna the Australian Shepherd quickly joined me on the bed snuggling into my neck wagging her tail. Olivia's footsteps were right outside the door when she was quickly interrupted with Oliver coming up the stairs as well they both open the door and Olivia sits on the bed petting Luna as Oliver sits on the floor lifting Olivia's soft white rug up and down with boredom in his eyes. The silence is quickly interrupted

"Can we actually do something please?" Olivia asked with her hazel eyes looking into my gold ones.

"We are doing something" I say "I'm petting Luna and Olive's playing with the rug."

"That's not what I meant Emma."

We end up with Luna in my lap, Olive sitting next to me and Olivia across from us, playing Monopoly.

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