Oliver 2.

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We all quickly pile into the kitchen greeted by mom and dad making tea. Olivia sits down with a lime green mug in her hand. And we all start on our essays for social studies. Emma quickly sits down next to me with a bright smile on her face as she looks up at mom waving me into the living room. I quickly go with mom asking what she wanted me for.

"Oh I just saw your smile when you looked at Emma and wanted to talk to you." she said in a hushed tone.

I wanted to get out of this situation as quickly as I could, but knowing mom I couldn't ever escape from this conversation.

"yea I smile at her, so what?" I ask quickly embarrassed to hear her response,

"I see the way you look at her Oliver, I mean your in high school ask her to prom when it comes around"

"OLIVEEEEEEEEE" I hear Emma say

I quickly turn around to see her smile at me waving for me to come over.

"So what'd auntie talk to you about?" She asked

"Oh nothing just our project" I scratch behind my neck nervously as she looks at me, she shrugs at my response and continues typing her essay.

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