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The week leading up to the last game consisted of making out, cuddling and hanging out with their friends. Harry had assured Louis they didn't need what was a proper first date because every single day with Louis felt like the first day he saw him. Louis had teased him for being a sap but was blushing anyway. Harry had took a mental picture and put that at the very front of all his memories.

"Are you sad it's ending?" Harry asked, the day before the last game.

"In a way." Louis admitted, "But I'm excited to get on with my life and get a steady job."

Harry watched as Louis got his things together for tomorrow, "Is there anything I can do?"

"You'll be there as my good luck charm, Harry and that's all I need."

Harry smiled at him, "I'll always be there to cheer you on, Louis."

Louis walked over and plopped down on the bed beside him, "It's been lovely having you here with me, Harry. Waking up to you, falling asleep next to you, having dinner with you. It's been everything to me."

Harry reached over and grabbed Louis's hands, "Me too."

Harry wasn't going to say anything because he did love all of those things as well. Just being with Louis was everything to him but there was a part of him that really wanted more with him. He wanted to be with Louis in that way but he wasn't sure how to go about it. He was close to asking his friends for advice but he didn't want this getting back to Louis. If he was going to make the first move then he wanted it to be a surprise. He'd think of something because he wanted their first time together to be while he was here with him. The thought of falling asleep in messy sheets, sweat drenched skin to the sound of heavy breathing was pushing Harry through everyday.

He pushed the thoughts away so he wouldn't get hard and looked up at Louis who was already staring at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry blushed, "You're making me nervous."

Louis grinned, "Just love looking at you, Harry. You're beautiful you know?"

Harry shook his head, "I'm not, Louis. I'm nothing special."

"You are everything, Harry, so don't bother arguing with me."

Louis flicked his nose and Harry scrunched it up causing Louis to giggle.

"You're the worst person I know!"

Louis laughed when Harry moved away from him, "That's a fucking lie and you know it!"

Harry moved up further on the bed and stretched out, "You're a pain in the ass."

"Don't worry, darling, when the time comes I'll make sure there's no pain your ass.'

Harry's eyes widened and put his hands over his eyes. He didn't need that image in my head but he could feel Louis's fingers going up and down his leg and just the slight touch was going straight to Harry's cock.

"You're going to kill me, Tomlinson."

Louis moved up on the bed and pulled Harry's hands away from his face, "Look at me, Harry."

Harry slowly opened his eyes, "What?"

His voice came out as a squeak causing Louis to smirk as if he knew what Harry was thinking.

"I want you." Louis spoke, "I'm going to put that out in the air so you don't doubt it. I want to be with you in that way more than you'll ever know but I'm not rushing you into that, Harry. I'm not going to rush you into anything. I want to do whatever it is you're comfortable with so if that means you're not ready for anything then so be it. I'm not going anywhere."

Winning His Heart. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now