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Harry looked around at his friends with ice packs on their faces or knuckles. He had his own scrapes and small bruises but that's just because he tried getting the fight to stop.

Tony went after Louis, Louis fought back. The moment Tony hit Louis, Niall lost it and went after Tony. In the process of falling to the ground Tony had pulled Zayn down with him signaling Liam to also lose his mind. Harry spent what felt like hours trying to pull everyone apart until a cop car came down the road and had everyone getting back to their houses before they got arrested.

So here Harry was doctoring up everyone because Tony was a fucking asshole. Harry was going to get a restraining order against him the moment he felt it was okay to leave his house. Hell, even now he felt like he was being watched.

"Does anyone need anything?" Harry asked.

Louis shook his head, "No, baby. Sit down and rest."

The nickname had Harry's heart beating faster but it wasn't the time to think about that. He had to focus on everyone and make sure they were okay before he talked to Louis about all the boyfriend remarks.

Harry walked over and sat down and Louis put his arm around the younger boy, "I cannot believe you all got involved in that! Someone could have been seriously injured!"

"Needed to keep you safe, Harry." Liam replied, an ice pack over his eye, "I wasn't going to let him touch my best friend."

"Ditto." Zayn agreed, "We have to do what we have to do sometimes. It's been a long time coming and Tony deserved everything he got."

"I don't even know the man and I can agree with that." Niall groaned, "My fucking jaw hurts. I think he broke every single bone in my face."

"Should you go to the hospital?" Harry asked.

Niall shook his head, "Don't worry about me, Harry. I'm being over dramatic like always."

"He's not wrong." Louis chuckled.

Harry looked at Louis who had an ice pack on his eye and a bandage around his right hand. For someone that seemed small the older man had a lot of fight in him. He really gave Tony the beating Harry always wanted to give him. It resulted in a black eye and bloody knuckles but before Harry was able to panic, his other friends were in the midst of the fight and Harry was seconds away from pulling his hair out.

"How is your hand?"

"It's fine, darling. Just a few bruises and I'll be fine in a few days."

Harry nodded but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to worry his friends with his fear. The fear that Tony was now officially watching him every moment of every day. He didn't even want to leave his house now but that wasn't anything he wanted to concern them with. He'd get through it somehow in his own way.

Liam, Zayn and Niall left a little later and it took some convincing for them to leave without Louis. Louis told them he wasn't moving and there was no use in wasting time arguing with him. Harry wanted them to stay so he could take care of them all but they all assured him that they would be okay.

Harry was cleaning up the bandages, throwing away ice packs and making sure there wasn't a big mess. He could feel Louis's eyes on him but he didn't say anything.

"Harry, I have an idea."

Harry looked over at him, "What is it?"

Louis sighed, "I know this is going to take a lot of convincing probably but I want you to hear me out, alright?"

Harry walked over to the couch and sat down, "What's going on?"

"What if you stay with me a while?" Louis suggested, "Just until you can get to the court and get a restraining order and you feel comfortable coming back. You don't have to but I just thought that-"

Winning His Heart. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now