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Louis woke to the sound of a phone ringing. He looked over to see Harry's screen lighting up so he leaned over to see who it was. It was an unknown number so Louis figured it was the same Tony guy who had called him the other week. He carefully got out of bed making sure not to wake Harry and grabbed Harry's phone before stepping out of the bedroom.


"Harry? Is that you?"


"Who is this? Wait, is this the asshole who blocked me?"

"The same asshole, yes."

"What are you doing answering Harry's phone?"

Louis yawned and leaned up against the wall, "Well I mean Harry is in my bed right now so I figured answering his phone won't be a big deal."

"What the fuck? I want to talk to him!"

"He doesn't want to talk to you. He's taken, sorry."

And with that Louis hung up on him. He blocked that number and made sure to get rid of the call before walking back in and putting the phone down. He slid back in under the warm blankets.

Harry let out a soft yawn and rolled over so Louis reached for him and pulled him close. He let out a happy sigh and closed his eyes as he just listened to Harry's soft breathing.

"Morning." Harry mumbled, "Don't want to move."

"We don't have to. Go back to sleep, Harry." Louis spoke.

But if he was being honest he wanted Harry to stay awake. He wanted to keep listening to Harry's morning voice and the way it seemed to deepen with each word.

Harry yawned and moved back a bit so he could look up at Louis and smiled, "I'm in desperate need of a toothbrush and mouth wash."

"You're not going to kiss me until you get those are you?"


Louis playfully pouted causing Harry to laugh, "Alright, darling, follow me to the bathroom."

Liam: Harry, are you good?

Harry: Yes. Why wouldn't I be?

Liam: Where the hell is your car? Zayn and I stopped by this morning but your car isn't there.

Harry: I spent the night with Louis.

Zayn: Did you have sex?

Liam: Zayn, no.

Harry: No we didn't, Zayn. We're not going to rush into anything.

Liam: Good! Take your time with him because I think there's something really special between you two.

Harry: I do too, Liam. He makes me really happy.

Zayn: You deserve to be happy, Harry.

Louis: Niall, are you awake?

Niall: Yes but I'm about to fall right back to sleep. What's up?

Louis: Thank you.

Niall: For what?

Louis: For shouting at Harry that day.

Niall: That thank you is long over due but you're welcome.

Louis: And also thank you for helping him out with soccer and teaching him.

Winning His Heart. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now