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There is a teeny tiny bit of masturbation at the end. 🤣🤪

"You didn't have to stay, Louis! I mean not that I care or mind because I definitely don't . You didn't have to carry me to bed either. I was perfectly fine sleeping in the chair."

Louis sipped on his orange juice as Harry continued rambling on about how Louis didn't have to do this or that. He was grinning the whole time because Harry was starting to stumble over his words and repeat himself.

Louis reached across the table and put his hand on Harry's causing the younger boy to stop talking and look down, "I didn't have to do any of that but I did because I wanted to, Harry. You slept in a bed and that was probably the reason you were able to limp down today. Your ankle feels better, yes?"

Harry nodded, "Yes."

"See? My presence helped it heal."

Harry giggled and put a hand over his face when a snort escaped but Louis just laughed at the sound.

"How endearing my little piglet."

Harry blushed, "If I'm piglet who are you?"

Louis thought about it for a second, "I'm owl because I'm wise."

"I should have known you would say that." Harry grinned, "Are you still hungry? I can get you some more."

Louis shook his head, "I'm stuffed. Thank you for breakfast, Harry, but I have to head out unfortunately. Last night was great."

"It was, Louis. Thank you for hanging out with me."

"Thank you for letting me."

"Any time." Harry told him, "You're welcome here any time."

"I'll remember that, Styles. Take it easy on your ankle today and I'll text you soon."

Harry stood up and walked Louis to the door, "Drive safe, Louis."

Louis looked at Harry for a second not saying a word.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face? Something in my teeth?"

Louis grabbed Harry's wrists as the younger boy started searching his face. He put them down and held them just laughing at him, "Your face and teeth both look great, Harry."

Harry's face turned red, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just like looking at you." Louis admitted, "You're very nice to look at."

"Go away, Louis."

"I'm sorry my ugly face is ruining your morning."

Harry's eyes widened, "You're not ugly! You're beautiful, Louis! You're the reason I went to the games. You look amazing in your uniform and when it rains and when you're sweaty and glistening. You're beautiful, Louis. The most beautiful human I've ever seen."

"You mean all that?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded, "I do."

Louis let go of Harry's wrist and put his hand on the back of Harry's neck. He leaned up and let his lips graze lightly over Harry's, "I want to kiss you, Harry."

"Do it, please."

Louis groaned and pulled Harry's mouth against his.

Harry gasped at the contact and his hands instantly went to Louis's hips. His eyes closed and he melted into the kiss, gasping when Louis's tongue slid into his mouth. It went from a soft kiss to a heated kiss within seconds of their tongues touching. They stood at the front door holding each other as they continued making out.

Winning His Heart. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now