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"I'm not going."

Liam rolled his eyes, "Harry, get your damn clothes on. The game starts in twenty minutes and we still have to drive there."

Harry shook his head, "I can't."

"You said Louis was nice right?" Zayn asked.

Harry nodded.

"Then what's the problem? He obviously didn't mind if you were undressing him with your eyes. Get some clothes on and lets go watch the game. We can go out to eat afterwards."

Harry sighed, "Fine. What's it like outside?"

"Still damp from the rain." Liam answered, "But it's warm so a t shirt and shorts will work."

"Is that why you are both wearing sweats?" Harry questioned.

Zayn grinned, "You have better legs than we do. Maybe Louis is a leg man."

Harry rolled his eyes, "He could also be a straight man, Zayn."

"Yeah, yeah. Go get dressed, peckerhead."

Harry laughed at the nickname and got off his couch, "Fine but only because I love you two."

"And Louis."

Liam ducked as Harry tossed a pillow at Zayn and hit the boy square in the face.

Harry disappeared before Zayn could toss it back.

The other team's bleachers were half full while his town's bleachers were almost completely full. Harry spotted some seats in the front so they made their way there before anyone else could take them.

"Don't be nervous." Zayn smiled, "He's too busy warming up to even think about you."

"I'm not nervous."

"Then don't get a boner." Liam laughed, "If that's what you're worried about."

When they heard a little voice behind them ask, "what's a boner?" they moved away from those seats.

Harry had a blanket in his trunk so they ended up spreading it out in the grass and sitting on it. It was more comfortable than the bleachers but Harry couldn't see as well.

"At this level you could probably at least see his ass." Zayn teased.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate you?"

Zayn smiled and playfully flicked Harry's nose, "You love me!"

Harry couldn't help but grin. He really couldn't. Zayn's smile was just contagious.

"The game is starting so Harry stop flirting with my boyfriend." Liam joked.

"He's not my type now shush." Harry replied, turning to stare at the field.

Liam laughed at Zayn's reaction. Every month it seemed Harry would say Zayn wasn't his type and Zayn would jokingly act offended over it. They all knew it didn't mean anything. It was just their friendship and how they were completely comfortable with one another in making jokes.

"So which one is he again?" Liam asked, staring out into the field.

"Number twenty eight." Harry replied, not taking his eyes off the other man.

Louis was on the field talking to Niall, smiling and stretching. It seemed the sun in the sky was being shined on by Louis and not the other way around. God, Harry thought, he was the epitome of sunshine. His smile was so big and bright.

"He's so beautiful." Harry spoke, forgetting his friends were with him.

Zayn snickered at his friend but smiled because Harry wasn't the type to get crushes or really care about relationships. Louis must have been something special to have Harry's attention.

Winning His Heart. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now