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Over the next couple weeks they all seemed to hang out as often as they could. Harry was working up the courage to ask Louis out on a proper date but it wasn't working well. Whenever he tried, Tony would call and make him lose his train of thought or his friends would say something that made him nervous and forget about it. On top of that, Harry was still practicing with Niall and surprisingly felt better about it. He wasn't perfect but he felt more confident in practicing.

Louis: It's fucking storming out are you kidding?

Harry: I love the rain. It's very soothing to me. It helps me write.

Louis: I hate being stuck in my house. Come overrrr.

Harry: You're just saying that because Niall is gone.

Louis: I'm saying it because I want you to stay over here. Pleasseee?

Harry: You know by now that I can't say no to you damn it, Louis. I'll be over as soon as I can.

Louis: You're the best, darling! I'll be waiting.

Harry had been lounging around in old dirty clothes so he took the time to take a shower. He washed his hair, shaved parts of him that he didn't like having hair on. More than anything he didn't like having hair on parts of his body that he thought someone would be getting close to. He rubbed lotion on his skin, brushed his teeth, sprayed on some cologne and spent a little longer making himself look presentable and attractive.

Louis: Harryyyyyyyyy.

Harry: I'm leaving my house now, Louis. You're so impatient lol.

Louis: I am indeed. Hurry up and get your cute ass here.

They have been flirting a lot more around their friends who encouraged it of course. Louis and Harry never told them they figured out they were the ones who pushed them towards a date that night. They were enjoying getting to know each other more, being comfortable around all their friends together and Harry loved it. He loved having his friends getting along with Louis and he loved that he could get along with Niall.

The last soccer game was coming on but they were given a two week break so they could practice more and relax before the last game. Harry hoped to take advantage of it that break and make a move on Louis. He loved the cheek and forehead kisses but he really wanted to kiss Louis.

Harry pulled out of his thoughts and focused on the storm as he got closer to Louis's house. If it kept raining he'd be stuck at Louis's house for the night. Maybe stuck was the wrong word, he thought because he wouldn't mind one bit being with Louis all night.

When he finally pulled into Louis's driveway and stopped his car he was met with Louis sitting out on his front step with an umbrella over his head. He grinned and grabbed his phone to snap a picture before grabbing his things and stepping out into the rain.

"Holy shit!" He yelled.

He was about to run across the yard but Louis beat him to it and held the umbrella over his head causing Harry to laugh.

"You should have stayed inside! You could get sick!"

"You just gone done being sick, Harry. Lets get in the house before you get sick again and my plans get delayed."

What plans was he talking about? Harry wondered.

Thankfully he wasn't that soaked and felt comfortable staying in his clothes. He kicked his shoes off and walked into the living room with Louis.

"It's warm in here."

Louis smiled, "Got to keep it warm in here when it rains or snows because it can get down right freezing. But you're here and you can be my personal heater if needed."

Winning His Heart. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now