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Harry peeked over his book to watch the soccer players on the field. He would watch the ball move across the lawn as they moved but when he looked up his eyes landed on one person and one person only.

Louis Tomlinson.

He was the one person that had Harry coming to the games in the first place. Why he brought a book he didn't know but he thought it would make him less awkward. People were sitting around him cheering for certain players they knew while he just sat there mentally cheering on a person he had never even talked to before. Was he crazy? Probably but the best kind of people usually were. He figured he wasn't hurting anything by sitting at the games but he was always afraid someone would find out he didn't know anyone and people would want him banned for being creepy.

Which he wasn't. He was just a twenty year old guy with a crush on number twenty eight on the soccer team. It was the only time Harry got to see him seeing as during the week he was stuffed inside his house writing to support himself. He'd canvas all of London if he had more free time during the week but unfortunately for him, Saturday was his only day to eyeball Louis.

Not to mention how incredible Louis looked in his soccer uniform. The shirt was a little big but Harry could still see the shape of Louis's hips and the way they curved. He wanted nothing more than to grab on to those hips and pull the boy close.

Bad idea, Harry thought, bad, bad, idea.

He didn't need to think about Louis's body pressed against his or he'd end up getting an erection where children were currently sitting around him and he'd get arrested.

He put the book back over his face and started reading the page he left off on. It was an interesting book and he really did want to finish it but it was hard when he knew Louis was right there on the field. It was either stare at Louis and risk getting an erection near children or keep his face in the book and lose precious Louis moments just so he wouldn't get hard.

When he peeked back over, Louis was bent over tying his shoe.

"Jesus christ." Harry whispered.

He put the book back over his face and clamped his face into it. He let out a low scream out of frustration. He was probably getting weird looks but he didn't care. He had to get out of here. He would have to lose one day of staring at Louis just to go home and have a quick wank in his shower. He took a few steady breaths before closing his book and putting it in his bag. He threw his bag over his shoulder and stood up, "Excuse me."

The people moved their legs in so he could make his way over to the steps. He didn't want to look back over but suddenly a whistle went off signaling half time. He looked over to see Louis and the rest of his team running to the side to grab their drinks and to take a short break. Harry stopped in his tracks when Louis poured a bottle of water over his head. The water dripping down his neck into the low v neck of his shirt had Harry licking his lips. His own mouth was suddenly quite dry.

"Yo, Tomlinson!" Someone shouted, "Looks like someone has a crush on you!"

Harry wasn't really paying attention so when he finally noticed a teammate and Louis looking over in his direction he froze. He felt his insides freeze up at the fact Louis was currently staring at him. He had been discreet since the season started two weeks ago but apparently him stopping to stare at Louis wasn't a good idea. He pulled his eyes away from Louis and began walking fast across the yard to get to his car. He wanted to throw up from the fact he got caught staring at Louis. What if Louis was straight? What if Louis was into men but thought Harry was ugly? Oh god, Harry groaned, what if Louis gets him banned from the games?

Harry really needed to get it together before he started driving or otherwise he would end up with his car in a building. He slid into his car and threw his bag on the passenger seat before he locked his doors and grabbed his phone out of his glove compartment.

Winning His Heart. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now