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I have informed Dr Ramsey about the Justin thing. But now I have talk to my parents about this. They would be knowing something or the other about this.
"Hey... Mom. How are you?"

"Oh my God, Y/n you finally have the time to call us."

"It is not like that Mom, it is just I am very busy these days."

"Mom, I have to ask you something."


"Do you know a small boy named Justin?"

"Y/n, who told you this name?"

"No one..."

"Say the truth Y/n."

"Mom why are you speaking like this. Are you hiding something from me? Mom??"

"I didn't expect that I would be saying you this. I tried so hard to make you forget about your past but I couldn't do it. Sorry, Y/n."

"Mom, you are scaring me?"

"I am sorry Y/n. I know you will be hurt by this but you have the right to know that we are not your real parents."


"You were adopted at the age of five from an orphanage."

"You are kidding me. Right??"

"No Y/n... Justin was the boy who lived with you in that orphanage."

"What happened to that boy? What happened to that orphanage?"

I think the boy was also taken by the goons."


"Yes, some goons attacked the orphanage and took all the girls for their business. But somehow you were alone crying on a street.
I and your father never had a child. So we always visited the orphanage and saw you and that boy always playing with each other. When we found you alone on the streets crying, we thought of adopting  you."
"You were always crying. You missed Justin a lot. That's why we decided to send you abroad for few years to stay with your Grandma."

"I will call you later Mom..."

Call ended.

I have never imagined this. This is so unexpected. I am so shocked right now.

At night:-
Y/n... You stay here okay and don't make any noise okay. I will bring back others.
After one hour.
"Justin... Justin where are you. I am scared right now. Justin where are you?"

"Y/n... What are you doing alone in the middle of the streets in this night?" A woman asked. " Some bad guys attacked the orphanage. We somehow escaped from there but Justin went back to the orphanage. I am lost. I can't find Justin.
"Okay, Y/n come with us now. We will find Justin, okay."

"JUSTIN..." I suddenly woke up from my dream. Now I remembered. He is Jeon Jungkook. I am so happy that I found him. But why didn't he came back that time? I have to ask him about this.

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