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"Doctor Ramsey... What should I do now? He keeps on developing new characters. If this continues then it will be a big problem for Mr Jeon."

"Calm down Y/n. This is also my first time seeing this kind of condition. I have talked to some Doctors from abroad who are specialised in these types of cases. They would be coming within a week. I hope till then you would be able to take care of him. He is a good kid Y/n. I don't know but he has suffered a lot in his childhood. When he was first brought to me, he cried a lot. He was in shock and trauma of seeing something which he never expected."

"Doctor, Ian told me that he lost his childhood love. She was taken by some bad guys."

"Okay... Tell me more about what he said."

"He said that I look like her."

"Okay... We got to know one thing that the Ian character developed because Jungkook found his lost love in you. You have to keep acting like that till he says more about his past."

"What about the JK character? He is always like an angry young man. Mr Jeon is opposite of him."

"You have to know that what the JK character does?"

"JK did agree to join the party when I said that I am afraid of going out late at night. And then he left in that party only while I was talking with Taehyung."

"We have to know more about him because he is the one who is dangerous to Jungkook. At the time when he came, the whole night he was not there in the house. He is quite ferocious. You have been careful of him."

"Now, Mr Jeon doesn't remember anything he did within two days."

"I think the character which he developed only has the memory of what that particular character has done. Jungkook is unaware of everything that is happening to him."

After the discussion, it was time for me to leave for the meeting.

"Thank you Dr Ramsey for taking out time for this."

"If you face any other problem do tell me. Okay now go for the meeting."

At the meeting site:-

"Good evening Mr Jeon."

"Good evening Mr Hopkins."

"Oops, I forgot to wish to this beautiful lady beside you. May I know your name."

"It is none of your business to know my secretary's name, Mr Hopkins."

"Don't be angry, Mr Jeon. Let us discuss our thing."

During the whole meeting Mr Hopkins kept on flirting with me and along with that, he kept on staring at me like a predator is looking at its prey. This annoyed Mr Jeon because every time he starts talking about something important, Mr Hopkins starts deviating from his topic.
Finally, the meeting ended. But Mr Jeon was pissed off with his behaviour. As we were going out of the room. Mr Hopkins called my name.
"Miss Y/n... Would you please come here for a moment?" I could easily know what he was going to do next. As I was going to say something.
Mr Jeon gave a punch on Mr Hopkins's face.
"How many times do I have to say keep your eyes away from her you pathetic person?" He then punched him again saying "you keep on irritating piece of shit".
"You like staring... Let me destroy that eyes of yours." While he was going to punch him again, I stopped him.
"Mr Jeon... Come to your senses."
But he did not listen to anything.
He pushed me aside continued beating him. He warned him
"Don't you ever do that to a woman? Do you understand?"
Mr Hopkins was afraid of him, so he nodded with everything that Mr Jeon said. But he kept on punching him.
"JEON JUNGKOOK COME BACK TO YOUR SENSES..."I shouted at him as he was going uncontrollable.
Then he stopped. He fell to his knees.
"Dr Y/n, what did I do?"
"What did I do????"He kept on asking me while crying badly.

As I was going to say something to him, he fainted

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As I was going to say something to him, he fainted.

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