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"You all get away from my site... You all are pathetic... I can't stay here anymore..", the crazy patient said with a loud voice while trying to kick the doctors in front of him. "I am going to kill myself if any one of you come near me I will also drag you to the death world along with me."

Y/n POV:-
It is 11:30 pm and I just came to the cafeteria to eat after checking up on my last patient of the day... And I was going to eat when I got a call from Dr Jimin, that one of our patients is trying to kill himself. After hearing this, I ran downstairs to room no. 350 and what I saw is not at all unusual for me because this patient always tries to kill himself and it is also not at all his fault, he is in a trap which is called mood disorder which occurs due to depression. This man who is 60 years old has gone through a lot of trouble and pain when his wife died out of cancer. That incident had a bad impact on his mind which resulted in a mental disorder.


"Y/N, YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THIS PATIENT... I CAN'T HANDLE HIM ANYMORE..." said Dr Jimin with a frustrating voice.

"Calm down, Jiminshii... And you too Uncle George ..., Okay now all of you get away from Uncle George.."
Everyone moved away from him. "Now, Uncle George no one is near you.." I said with a very calm voice. "Uncle, you still remember me right... I am your best buddy..."

"GET AWAY FROM ME..." George shouted...

"Oh... No... You don't remember me", I started fake crying. You know we still need to act otherwise the patients never listen to us... As his psychiatrist, I know his only weakness and that is he can't see anyone crying in front of him and he is a very soft-hearted man.
After seeing me crying, he stopped shouting and became emotional.
"Oh... Y/n my best buddy, I forgot you. I am so sorry... I am so sorry.."

"Hey, it is okay. But now you have to listen to me." He nodded with a small smile.

"So, now you have to go to your bed okay."

"Okay... Y/n... But please forgive me.."

"You know that you are my best uncle so you don't need forgiveness... Nurse please take him to his bed and give him his medicine."
The nurse took him to his bed and gave him medicine. I stayed near his bed to check whether he is asleep or not. Fortunately, he slept within seconds.

——————————————————  - -

" Y/n how do you control all your patients?? It is so hard to understand the feelings of each one of your patients.." said Jimin with a frustrating look.

"I don't know, maybe it is easy for me to understand their feelings and I love to know about them.., their experiences and support them in their hard times.. "

"Wow... Y/n you know that you are truly amazing.. "

"I know..." I said jokingly. And we both ended up laughing. By the way thanks for the compliment Chimchim.."

"Yaahhh don't call me Chimchim... "

"Okay, Chimchim... "


"Okay, Jimin I am heading home now... What about you?"

"I am having night shift as one of my patients is not that well... And by the way did you eat something?"

"I didn't have the time to eat... That's why I am going home so that I can make some delicious food for myself. And all the best... Your patient will be fine... Don't take tension."

"Thanks, Y/n for the motivation. And don't work  too hard.."

"Bye Chimchim...".
By saying this I ran away from him so that he won't scold me...

"Yaahhh y/n.." He shouted from a distance.

I was laughing so hard... It is fun to tease your best friend. Jimin has been my best friend since high school. And somehow we are now working at the same hospital.

My home was not that far from the hospital. So I always walk home.
While I was walking, I got a call so tried to open my handbag to get the phone but I  hit somebody.
"I am so sorry..."
I couldn't see him as it was dark and additionally he wore some kind of hoodie.
"It is okay but next time focus your eyes on the road while walking."He said with anger.
I got irritated with the way he spoke but it was  my mistake also so I tried to apologise to him again...,but he was already gone....

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