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Next day...

Y/n POV:-
I didn't get proper sleep yesterday night because I decided to plan the schedule for Mr Jeon and I also kept on thinking that what incident caused him this pain that he had developed this disorder.
     I have made a simple plan. I have to observe him very properly. I have to distinguish the real him from all his different characters. Dr Ramsey said that he has developed only one character but I doubt that there could be more than one. Then I would try to know what the character want from him, then I would try to understand his character. Till now, I could see that real Mr Jeon is not a bad person. Dr Ramsey informed me that the character which will represent gentleman behaviour is the real Mr Jeon but I have a little bit of doubt that what if the real Mr Jeon is trying to keep a gentleman cover to hide his real character so that he could keep on living inside him. These two months are very crucial for me. But I hope I can cure him so that he can continue doing his good works. And as Dr Ramsey said that I have to be with him in his work so that it would be easier for me to observe him. I have to discuss this thing with Mr Jeon this morning.
End of POV
"Good Morning Dr Y/n.." Jungkook said.

"Good Morning Mr Jeon."

"Did you have good sleep?"

"Oh... Yes, yes...I did have a good sleep."

"I don't think so... Because you like you haven't slept at all."

"I was planning your schedule. And I have to discuss a thing that Dr Ramsey said."

"Okay... Please continue."

"As Dr Ramsey said that I have to work with you in your office so that it would be easier for me to observe you."

"Oh, I have already planned about that. The person who can stay with me all the time at work would be my secretary. So, if you don't have any problem with that then you could work as a secretary.

"I am fine with that because it is the easiest way to have an eye on your actions but I don't have any idea what I am going to do in your office."

"Don't worry about that. I will be assigning you some works that would be easy for you."

"Oh... That's so kind of you. So when should I go to your office?"


"What... At least you could have told me yesterday."

"Sorry for that but I wasn't so sure about it, I thought that you would be uncomfortable working with me. And when Dr Ramsey said that you don't have to go to the hospital for few months so.."

"Okay...I understood. So when are we leaving for office?"

"After one hour. Till then I can discuss what you need to do as my secretary."

At the office:-

Y/n POV:-

"Good morning, Mr Jeon." All the staff shouted as soon as he entered the office. They were so happy to see him. I think has been a  good boss towards his employees. So, it means that he doesn't have any problem with them. He was happily greeting them. I was also happy to see my favourite artist smile. My thoughts were interrupted by a  lady.

"Good Morning Miss..."


"Good morning Miss Y/n. May I know who you are and why are you with our boss? (Well why is she asking this question so arrogantly? )
Jungkook noticed this, so he came to them.

"Miss Linda, she is my new secretary. Could you please inform all the other staff members about this? And please do help her in her works."  He smiled so sweetly that she couldn't say no to him.

"Well Dr Y/n, you see she is a bit possessive about me so don't take her seriously." He said in a low voice.
I gave him an assuring smile.

"And I think you don't have to call me Dr Y/n."

"Sorry, I forgot about that."

"So this is my cabin."

"Well, it is so spacious."

"Now, you can say me about the schedule."

"As I said I will be observing every action of yours and whenever you are free and you feel like talking about your problems you can contact me. And I will be setting some therapy sessions like DBT, IPT etc. for you at home. Are you fine with it"

"Yes, I am fine with any plan as long as it could cure me."

"But for now can you tell me what I need to do?"

"Well... Today I have to inaugurate an art exhibition. So you have to give me some company."

"I don't think my work ends with this.. "

"I am sorry to say but you are correct. I don't remember few names of client members and mostly it's the work of the secretary to remember their names. So.."

"Okay so, could you please give me the file which contains their biodata? And at what time do we have to leave for the exhibition?"

"Within 45 minutes.."


"Sorry... Dr Y/n"
( I was so excited when I heard that we would be going to an art exhibition but all my excitement went away when he said me to remember the biodata of all his clients within in 45 minutes..)

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