Um... so im running out of ideas. Sorry.

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You were out with your best friend Bakugo Katsuki. You two on the outside looked like you hated eachother but really you played by insulting eachother rand calling eachother out on you bullshit. What were you doing? Modeling for his parents fashion company. The school let you take on this job because it would be helpful to your future career to have this experience.

"Honey, move your right hand up a little? Katsuki you just... you just fix your damn face." She said then laughed at her joke.

"SHITTY MOM! This is my face! Cant change it!" He yelled with angry eyes.

"Shit the duck up and get back into position so the photographer can take the last photos with these outfits." She said annoyed.

"Mrs. Katsuki?" You asked.

"Mitsuki, please." She laughed.

"Mitsuki. I think you should be a little nicer to Bakugo. He's really a good person." You said as respectfully as possible.

"Shut up y/n. She's only gonna annoy me about it later..." he mumbled.

"No... Katsuki has been praised his whole life. He could deal with a little attitude fixin." She said rolling up her sleeve.

"Oh no. I beat him up enough. And our school tolerates none of his shit." You say laughing at him getting downgraded in status in the beggining of the year.

"Really! That's hilarious!" She laughed.

"You shitty women! I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled.

"Calm down please sir." The photographer said as Mitsuki stuck out her tongue.

"Sorry Katsu..." you said innocently. You knew he wouldn't harm you. He hated upsetting you for real so he avoided physical violence with you.

"It's fine you damn brat. Let's just finish this and go home." He rolled his eyes.


As you took off the slinky, white dress with gold accents around the shoulders and waist you looked in the mirror. Your body changed over the last few months. It's only October and you're shaped differently too from all the extra exercise. You had more muscle now too. You were proud of the hard work. You didn't like how the mirror made your face look though. The golden eyeshadow and black lipstick looked good but something about the mirror made you feel uncomfortable in your face. You finished slipping on the hoodie Shoto gave you to leave in and left to clean your face and take down your hair with it's accessories. You looked at the gold leaf patterns on the headdress she put in your updo styled hair. You didn't feel like taking it out from the hairspray but you did anyways and washed it in the hair washing sink the studio provided. You used you quirk to quick dry it and then grabbed the makeup wipes to clean it all off. You didn't bother putting any back on since you were just going home.

"Hey are you almost done getting back to normal? It's been forever." Bakugo complained.

"Sorry I had to take out hairspray and makeup katsu! I'll be out in two seconds." You said loudly. You were really out in two seconds. He nodded once he saw you didn't have anything on your face or hair and looked normal now.

"Let's go." He said and you followed him home. Once you reached home everyone surrounded you two.

"How'd it go? Was it fun? Katsu send Kiri a photo of your makeup and you looked great!" Mina said all at once.

"Uhhh yeah." You said looking for Shoto. You pushed past them and went up to his dorm room. He wasn't there so you checked yours. Nobody. You called him and his phone went to voicemail. "What the hell?" You said as you texted him.

Love... I'm home where did you go?

No response. You went downstairs to ask one of the three idiots he was friends with and Uraraka.

"Hey you four seen Sho anywhere? I have something for him that I forgot to give him when I bought it." You explained.

"Nope!" Denki said a little too enthusiastically.

"I have not but if I do I'll tell him to see you." Iida said

"I didn't... is he missing?" Izuku asked

"Y/n... can I talk to you outside..." Uraraka said glumly. You got worried.

"Yeah..." you said and went to the back of the dorms with her. "What's wrong that we had to talk separately?" You asked.

"I saw him and MoMo talking alone earlier. They left together too..." she said.

"Momo? I'm not worried about her she told me she found her soulmate." You smiled. Atleast you knew he wasn't alone.

"She did? That's news to me..." Uraraka looked at you worriedly. "And I have a photo to prove it..." she pulled out her phone. It was a screenshot of a snapchat of her kissing Shoto at a cafe.

"That bitch..." you mumbled.

"Y/n... y/n don't do anything you'll regret...." she said, upset.

"Oh I'm not gonna regret this Uraraka. I'm gonna love it... even the suspension." You laughed. You went up to your room and found everything that was his... not that you could really tell the difference. Everything went grey from heart break. As you tried to figure out whose hoodies were who you felt the tears form in your eyes and spill onto your cheeks.

"Stupid fucking boy..." you said to yourself. "Not even. Stupid me... I let myself fall for him. KNOWING DAMN WELL she liked him and was not one to give up on anything." You said throwing the hoodie across the room. You told yourself you'd have someone who could see the stupid colors get rid of them. Then a knock reached your door.

"Y/n... are you ok?" A worried AngryBlonde™️ asked.

"What do YOU think Katsu?" You said with a cracking voice.

"Let me in so I can help you calm down." He said.

"Why? It's not like anyone really cares..." you said hopelessly now z you were going through all the stages of grief at once and couldn't decide between what you should be feeling and towards who.

"I care y/n!" He shouted pounding his fist against the door. "I care... you're my best friend. Even though we hate eachother we still love eachother and I care..." he said softly now. You heard his back slide against the door, then decided to open it. He fell backwards, then scrambled to get up and hug you.

"Thanks Katsuki..." you said as emotionless now.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard... he hurt my dear y/n..." he growled.

"He's not even worth it Katsuki... don't... for me please I couldn't bare to see that." You hugged him back finally.

"Y/n? Thank god I found you... were you... crying?" You heard the monotone voice say.

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