Not the training camp arc

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Seriously, not the training camp arc, I have not the energy to deal with that trauma and rewrite the whole arc just to add a character into the story. So let pretend for a second that you were off your game and got hit with the gas real bad. Like passed out for three days while Bakuhoe is busy in the kidnapping bar. Pls my mental health... anyways here's the story from the point you wake up in the hospital.

I wake up to see nobody around. I'm alone. I hit the little red button by my bedside to let the nurse know I'm awake. They come running in as expected and examine me for hours on end while they contact my temporary guardian, Endeavour. Unfortunately he's unreachable so the context Fuyumi next. She comes in immediately after the call.

"Y/n? You're awake but where's Shoto?" She asked.

"What do you mean where's Shoto I just woke up how would I know?" I laughed.

"I mean where is he. He said he was coming here to check if you'd woken up a few hours ago." She sighed.

"I haven't seen him. Ask a nurse." I shrug. She came back with a shocked look on her face. "What's up?" I ask.

"He left with a green haired boy, blue haired boy, black haired girl, and red haired boy a few hours ago. Do they sound familiar to you?" She asked pulling out her phone.

"Yes... I unfortunately know exactly who they are and where they're going..." I said rubbing my head I picked up my phone from the side of the bed. Somehow it managed to survive. I typed in his number and dialed it. It went right to voicemail.

"Damnit he isn't answering. I'll text him." I said frantically opening my messaging app. She flipped on the news station grasping the fact that what I knew wasn't good news.


Shoto... answer the phone please. It's important.
Come on answer me
I'll get worried and go back to sleep
Please be okay wherever you are you big dummy

I leaned backwards in my bed and turned my eyes to the news where I saw my idiots jumping off of my other idiot's ice cliff and rescuing Bakugo who I'd recently found out was kidnapped. Then a saw all might in his fight. At least he won. Finally my phone buzzed with answers.

Oh my god I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're awake.
My phone was off I'm on my way right now.
Stay awake
I'm gonna call you right now
This is you right? Not my dumb brother playing another prank?
Sho let me just... hold please

I laughed at his texts as his context came up on my phone. I answered and immediately heard his voice. "Natsuo if this is you I swear to god... I'll kill you." He threatened.

"Hold your horses murderer it's your girlfriend." I laughed through the phone. I heard him breath a breath of relief.

"Hi... I'm on my way right now don't hang up." He said as I heard the pitter patter of his footsteps on the other side of the line. "You know... I can't wait... to tell you... about my... adventures while you were asleep... my love..." he huffed as he ran through crowds of people. He was out of breath but he was happy and smiling you could tell.

"I can't wait to hear them but if you pass out form exhaustion I can't. Slow down Sho." I said laughing.

"You're right. Teleport me. I'll come see you right now you goof." He said stopping in his tracks probably.

"Is that even allowed? That's like against all the rules of romance. You better start running buddy boy." I joked with him.

"If that's what it takes..." he actually started running again.

"Wait hold on I was kidding, stay still so I can pin you and get you here." I said seriously.

"Gotcha." He said and stopped again. I tracked his frozen movement and when I pinpointed him I used a warp quirk and he stepped through it to reach me. He saw me on the bed and immediately climbed on top of my bed and attacked me with kisses. He didn't care who was in the room.

"Shoto... why are you wearing a wig?" I asked.

"That's a long story. Let me tell you all about it ok so the other day Kirishima came up with a plan to rescue Bakugo. When Midoriya woke up he agreed and Iida did after punching Midoriya. MoMo helped us track the Nomu from the other day by creating a second tracker that led us to a Nomu factory. Then some guy who calls himself all for one showed up. He got rid of a ton of heroes. Then he teleported the league that was supposed to be caught and Bakugo to him. So we rescued him. Now I'm here with you." He said and snuggled into me.

"That still doesn't explain the wig." I laughed

"Disguises." He said holding me tighter and tighter like if he let go I'd be gone again.

"Baby you're squeezing me to death." I said grunting.

"Sorry. I missed you a lot." He said

"Missed you too. But please get off me before I die." I said

"Guys... I'm just gonna... gonna go..." Fuyumi said leaving us to stay the night in the hospital.

"Ok see ya" he said, smiling and still crushing me.


It was finally time to go home after a second day of running tests for any left over toxins or concussions. Everything was clear, and I was able to leave with Shoto. He refused to have us walk home however and got an Uber instead.

"You really do too much Sho. I spent a few days in bed, I would've been fine walking." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah you probably could've but I didn't want that so just get in when it comes ok?" He turned to me.

"Fine." I pouted. He didn't care. He was getting his way because I had no energy for a fight. Now that I think about it we haven't actually had a real fight. He agreed with my decisions and I agreed with his. It was peaceful between us. Was this what it was supposed to be like for soulmates? Finally the car pulled up and brought us to his family house. We too the few steps from the gate to the door and then to my bedroom where he wrapped me in blankets and kissed my head.

"I'll be back with tea. You stay." He warned.

"What about ice cream?" I asked

"Nope you'll catch a cold." He said and left the room. was tired of smothering and wanted to breathe so I flew up to the roof. It was not late at night but the sun was setting. I looked out at it and took it all in with my heart.

"I hope you never break my heart Shoto Todoroki. It'd be a shame for all this color to go to waste." I said aloud. I floated back down to the balcony and landed softly, went back to the bed, and layed back. He came in with tea just as I layed on my side.

"It's chilly in here isn't it?" He asked caringly.

"Nah, it's warm." I shrugged.

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