Back to school (everyones nightmare)

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As me and Shoto walked into school together we let go of each other's hands. Everything was grey again and I hated the look of it. I tapped his shoulder and he turned to me.

"Please never do that again. It flicked between grey and colorful which was like a strobe but weirder? Here let me show you." He said and tapped my shoulder, the same as I had done to him. He was right. It flickered between them. We laughed at our amazement of how things looked different and how it worked.

"Anyways I tapped your shoulder to ask you if you wanted to eat lunch with me today. We don't have to sit with Bakugo if you don't want to. We could sit with Izuku and Iida." I suggested. He gave a light smile.

"Ok." He answered and we went to our class. Once we walked in everyone greeted us happily.

"I'm so glad to see you're ok y/n! Todoroki that was so manly how you protected y/n after she passed out and carried her to the infirmary." Kirishima said.

"Yeah... I found it kind of suspicious how you wouldn't let anyone else take care of her, not even the robots..." Tsuyu croaked.

"It's my job to take care of her. She's my guest so it's a given of course." He answered. I forgot he'd promised not to say anything and I felt my heart twist in knots.

"Y/n are you ok? You zoned out again." Kaminari waved in front of my face and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm good." I answered and sat in my seat before the teacher arrived.

"Let's get to the point. You're going to be picking out hero names and internships. You have plenty of offers so choose wisely. Those of you who don't still have a list of those they can choose from. You'll be in these internships for a week. Do well." He explained then midnight entered. (If you're reading his you know how the name choosing goes). When it's finally my turn to choose I go with h/n (hero name). Everyone liked it. Midnight said it was her top three favorites for this class. And I sat happy with my choice. Then I got a paper listing the 946 internships I could choose from. I went with Hawks. Tokoyami would be there so I'd have some support.

After class we all met up for lunch. He chose a place in Hosu. It was expected but also unexpected since that's where Stain attacked his brother. I hope he does what's right. We were chatting at the table for a bit when I felt Shoto kick my leg and saw him on his phone. I guess he wanted me to look at mine. He sent an image. I opened it to see a screenshot of his Lock Screen (which was him kissing my cheek) and he asked if that was okay. I felt my face flush red and I turned off my phone placing it on the table.

"Y/n are you ok you're really red?" Midoriya asked. I looked across the table to see Shoto looking disappointed.

"Oh I'm fine. Just have to go to the bathroom is all." I left and went off. I heard my phone's text tone go off. I saw it was Shoto again.

Hey sorry. I can change it if you want.

No it's fine I just wasn't expecting that is all.
Keep it, it looks cute.

Really? That makes me happy y/n. I know you don't want a soulmate connection but I think we look good together ;3

You are so corny. I'll be back in a few minutes.

I smiled at his silly texts. He was too cute for his own good. Though he rarely showed it outside of the house he was caring and cute and funny. He even let me try doing face masks with him over the last two days. I hugged the phone to my chest but as I was leaving I bumped into MoMo who was entering.

"Texting someone, mayhaps your soulmate?" She smirked devilishly. She was a supporting friend and loved teasing me. She snatched my phone and saw the lock screen photo I had. It was the picture we took in the clothing changing room. She looked upset for a moment.

"Give it make MoMo." I said holding out my hand. I heard my phone go off again. Probably Shoto again.

"So he's your connection? There's no hope for me and him?" She asked pulling her hand with my phone away.

"Yeah, I guess so." I answered.

"Be honest, how long did you know?" She asked.

"The sports festival. I thought it was a hallucination but he confirmed the colors afterwards when I was still in the infirmary." I answered.

"So this photo?" She questioned.

"Recent. I'm sorry MoMo. I really am." I apologized. I knew she liked him which made me feel worse. But he'd been careful to avoid contact with girls specifically so she didn't know he wasn't the one. She let her dreams get ahead of her before reality.

"No it's fine. It is. I mean I should've know . You two look great together." She tossed my phone back to me and I caught it.

"Can we still be friends?" I asked

"Of course. It's not your fault." She smiled and went into a stall. I left after and made my way back to the table without a smile. When I sat Shoto grabbed my hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Just tired ya know." I said patting his hand. I heard mina squeal from across the lunch room. Then soon saw her in front of me.

"You two are really comfy together. So did you touch and realize you're soulmates or realize your not and decide on close friends?" She bubbled in front of us. I found out today that she was pink.

"That's none of your-" he started to say. I stopped him once again.

"Yes Mina." I said while standing up and bringing him with me.

"BUT WHICH ONE ARE YOU SAYING YES TO?" She yelled across the cafeteria. We laughed and made our way outside to the courtyard. We sat under a tree and laughed some more.

"Are you actually going to tell them?" He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Well MoMo already knows. Might as well tell the rest of them before she does." I sighed.

"Really? Does that mean we can be in a relationship?" He smiled and turned to me. I tapped his nose.

"No❤️" I said. His face fell to a frown.

"Why not? How do you even say ❤️? You said no... that's so mean." He whined and turned around.

"In america we would consider today Opposite Day." I smirked. He shot back around and looked me in the eyes sternly.

"You're not lying to me are you?" He asked.

"No I am. Opposite Day doesn't exist unless you want to steal a kids candy. But we can be in a relationship. I was messing with you Sho." I smiled and closed my eyes. He took this opportunity to kiss my forehead.

"Well then let's go. We're gonna tell them you're all mine." He said and grabbed my hand.

"Ok... let's go." I smiled back. And we got up to tell everyone.

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