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"So, Eri will be staying in the teacher dorms with me." Aizawa explained the day after the festival.

"Awesome!" You cheered and hugged the little girl.

"Y/n... I'm asking for your help in training her abilities. It seems you can get a grasp on them and help teacher her. Monoma can't copy it so we'll have to take wild guesses at how it works." He said flatly.

"Yes! For sure." You smiled. You picked up the small girl and twirled her around.

"Y/n! Be careful!" Midoriya shouted as you floated around the room with her.

"Calm down Izuku. I've got her!" You stuck out your tongue. She giggled as you made zooming noises while flying her around. Time went by quickly though and the hour your quirk lasted for was up. You fell to the ground making sure Eri didn't hit it.

"Holy shit! Are you ok?" Kaminari asked running to your side as you sat up, gasping for air.

"I'm fine, Eri are you ok?" You asked. She laughed.

"That was fun y/n!" She hugged you and you instantly felt happiness as her little hand patted your back. You felt your heart flutter.

"Y/n! I heard a crash is Eri ok?" Midoriya came zooming down the steps. To Eris side.

"Yeah I just forgot about my time limit and fell. I made sure she didn't hit the ground though, just me." You laughed nervously.

"Alright, I think that's enough playtime for you... you should go see recovery girl." He raised an eyebrow.

"No I'm alright, it wasn't even that far of a fall. If anything I can heal myself." You have a thumbs up.

"Alright then. But get some rest. You don't want to be overworked when we have training tomorrow." He said and took Eri back to the teachers dorms. You walked upstairs to Shotos dorm and walked in. You flopped on the bed waiting for him to get home from his classes. When he did he found you sleeping on his bed. You turned over in your sleep groaning in pain.

"Idiot, Midoriya said you hurt yourself today..." he walked over and made frost on your back. He kissed your head and got changed quickly so he could hold you in his arms. Once he did all his stress melted away. He breathed in deep and took in your scent. You also took a dee breath but stopped in the middle of it. Because of your chest expanding to breath deeply, it hurt to breathe too much and so you just let go of whatever air you took in and only took shallow breaths. He didn't like that at all.

"Y/n... princess wake up..." he said ruffling your hair.

"Hmm? Shoto? When did you get here?" You smiled and sat up, wincing at the soreness. You felt your back was soaked. "Did you ice me?" You asked.

"A little. Are you uncomfortable?" He asked.

"No, I was sleeping peacefully." You whined.

"Take your shirt off..." he said demandingly.

"Really? Now? I'm in pain you butthead." You said jokingly.

"Exactly, let me see your back so I can help you." He said bluntly and lifted your pajama shirt. You weren't wearing anything under it so your top half was completely exposed.

"Turn around..." he said. You did and he rubbed your back with his hands. "Does this hurt?"

"A little..." you said closing your eyes.

"You have a big bruise. It looks hurtful even..." he said placing little kisses on your shoulder. He rubbed his hands around your lower back. It felt nice. He was massaging you very good. When he finally got to your shoulder he put your hair up in a scrunchie.

"What are ya doing back there?" You asked. He was paused so you didn't know what his deal was.

"Admiring how perfect you are..." he said as he started squeezing your shoulders. You felt like you were in heaven. When he was finally done he took off his shirt and gave it to you.

"Why are you giving me this?" You asked.

"I wet yours before... sorry for that but this one is dry so wear it..." he said. You did. He laid down and pat his stomach for you to lay on top of. You straddled him and cuddled him from on top. He read he his hand onto your back and activated his ice quirk so he could keep your back cold without soaking your shirt. He gave a quick kiss on your lips and gave his good nights to you.

Timeskip to le next day

You woke up no longer in pain. Of course you could've healed yourself but had you, you wouldn't have gotten that special treatment last night. You sat up on him and he moaned a little.

"Y/n why are you up so early?" He asked.

"School..." you said rubbing your eyes.

"No school... it's Saturday." He pulled your head back onto his chest.

"Not for me, for Eri. I have to train her." I said getting back up.

"Let me help." He said sitting up too.

"You can't. You don't have the same quirk she does or anything that can be similar." I tapped his nose and got out of bed. We went downstairs and had breakfast, not even bothering to change I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, put on shoes, and left. I was at gym beta again. I put on my hero suit in the locker room and went into the main area where Aizawa and Eri were.

"Her quirk seems to come from her little horn there. We know it can reverse time but not if it can redo it. The bigger it is the less controlled. Stress is a factor but other than that we don't know anything. It just reverses time." He said. I thought for a second. I named the quirk stress fixer and modeled it exactly after her's. The bigger, the more powerful. I was in highschool so without a doubt there was stress. I nodded and tested it out on a potted plant. I concentrated hard and reversed it back into a seed, then fast forwarded it into a flower again.

"Perfect." I smiled and grabbed her hand. "Eri... you want to be a hero right?" I asked. She nodded. Ok so I want you to concentrate super super hard and bring your power to only your fingers. So that when you use those two fingers to touch something it will undo itself ok?" I smiled. She nodded and shit her eyes really tight. She grunted a little and then opened them.

"I'm ready!" She said. She bent down and touched the flower pot. It did nothing. "Dang it Eri! Do it right!" She yelled. I stopped her.

"It's ok. Let's try another thing ok? This ones will be easier since you're good at imagining things right?" I asked.

"Right!" She smiled.

"Ok. I wants you to imagine your power and little electric waved going down your arms... imagine it coming from your horn, down your shoulder, past your elbow, and right into the very tips of your fingers. Then with your eyes still closed I want to you to touch the flower pot and hold your hands there for a bit. I'll tell you if it's working but don't open your eyes until I say so. Ok?" I explained. She thought then nodded.

"Ok!" She gave a thumbs up. She closed her eyes and started thinking. She thought for two minutes then knelt down to touch the pot. Once she did the flower started going back into its bud.

"Is it working?" She asked.

"Yup! Keep going! Keep imagining that electric on your finger tips!" I said enthusiastically. Aizawa looked astonished by my work but not surprised.

"I will!" She said smiling as the flower was reversing slowly.

"Ok now open..." I said once it was in seed form. She did and saw that it was no longer there. Then she looked at me sadly.

"How do I stop the power? I don't want to rely on eraserhead..." she asked gently.

"Ok close your eyes again. Imagine those little elctrical waves retreating back up your arm and into your horn again..." I said. She did. When she opened her eyes she smiled and ran to hug me. Nothing happened which meant she did it on her own. She was learning by herself how to control her power.

"Thank you y/n. You're a good teacher." Aizawa said and picked Eri up. "Back to the dorms for the day." I nodded and left.

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