Side story part three

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As they arrived at the huge pine tree with a bulge in it at the top. That was where she distorted it to have an interior. Then Jax shouted a password.

"Rapunzel, let down your hair!" He shouted. They saw her peak her head out of the window.

"What do you want? I'm busy up here!" You yelled.

"That's not how you're supposed to do it loser!" Your brother laughed. The snapped and a glowing rope ladder appeared to them. They climbed up and in through the small door.

"Did you make this place?" Shoto asked.

"Grew the tree, furniture, and everything." You smiled.

"Who did the paintings?" He asked admiring a particularly odd one.

"Me again. I was good at art even when I was colorblind." You laughed. He scooched closer to you now.

"Why are you here?" You said bluntly and stopped smiling.

"Can't we just talk as a family?" Your brother asked.

"I swear to god Jax I'll go someplace you'll never find me." You threatened. Shoto wrapped his arms around your head and kissed it.

"Where you go so do I." He said. You felt the tears well up in your eyes and you latched into him. You cried for a few minutes. "Why did he want another kid? Were we not good enough?" You asked through sobs.

"No no no. Y/n it was a mistake. He never meant to make you feel replaced. He's just a stupid man." Your brother crawled over to embrace you. After a while you stopped crying.

"I brought you snacks incase you didn't want to go back." Jax smiled and threw a pack of goldfish at you.

"Gross." You said and threw them back.

"You're so mean y/n..." he sweat dropped and stood up. "I'm leaving. Are you coming or no?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." You stood and turned off the lantern. You three climbed down the rope ladder and walked back to the mansion slowly. When you finally came inside everyone was waiting in the kitchen. Except the little girl whose bedtime was 10 o'clock. It was 11:23. Your parents hugged you and sighed as you walked through the door.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so pushy with you." Your mom said first. Then your dad jumped in.

"I'm sorry too. I was avoiding talking to you and saying I was busy with hero work. I even missed your sports festival. I promise I'll tell you everything from now on just don't leave us ok?" He hugged you tight.

"Yeah just let go before you accidentally kill me." You said struggling.

The next two days you spent with you family and Shoto. You went to the boardwalk, a fair, you showed off your piano skills (Shoto joined for a duet once surprisingly), and even got to know the little girl. She was a major bitch still but over all you didn't leave american again with regrets or resentment. On the last night you were there you were on the patio out back when you were joined by Enji.

"Y/n... I don't think I ever apologized for pressuring you that one time at dinner. Or for over working you in training. Or for any rude behaviors I might have displayed. But I am sorry. I thought you should hear that." He said.

"I'm fine, but have you apologized to your children, or your wife for what you put them through their whole lives?" You asked without remorse. He paused and thought.

"I haven't. I should though, shouldn't I?" He asked.

"Definitely. They deserve at least that Enji." You said. You turned away from him and went inside to sit with Shoto on the couch and watch old copies of the twighlight zone. When you woke up in the morning you guys left to the plane. First class again cause rich people are whack I guess.

And that's how your summer vacation went.

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