Hawks... not the team either.

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Everyone's reactions were decent. There was a few "unfair I wanted to date him" from the girls and more than a few "damn I wish I was him" from the guys. But overall things went smoothly. We decided we wouldn't tell Enji yet but we would eventually. Or not. However it plays out. We were just happy together. Then the days of the internship came. I decided I'd take the train like the rest of my class instead of teleporting off. It was nice to act like a normal student.

"Hey wait before you leave come here." He said before I got onto my train. I did and he pulled me into a tight hug. "Be careful."

"I will." I said placing a soft kiss on his neck. We still haven't kissed each other but we did do small things like this. I don't think he was mentally prepared for that kind of contact. He might've died form heart failure if I had. I got on my train and he left to get on his. Soon I arrived at the agency with Tokoyami. He greeted us but then left on "urgent business" and we ended up with his side kicks. When the week was almost over I saw the news of a current Nomu attack in Hosu. That's where Shoto said he was with Endeavor. Then I got a text from Izuku with his location. Just his location.

"Get ready, we're going to Hosu for evac." The employee said. "We're flying."

"I can get us there quicker." I said in a panick, feeling the tightening feeling in my chest again.

"How?" They said.

"I can teleport us there." I said. "Let me slip on my suit and I'll get us there in less than three seconds." I said quickly changing my clothes with a snap. Then I cloned myself. Training with Tokoyami and the sidekick lately helped me be able to use two quirks at once.

"Listen me, you will not tell them you're a clone. You're gonna go down there and you're going to teleport them to Hosu to help with evac. Got it? Do what you must." I nodded. The other me nodded and did exactly as I said. When they were gone I teleported myself to the sent location. I saw the three boys fighting the hero killer. They landed the final blow as I ran over to them.

"Hope I'm not too late." I said making them flinch and turn around. "Ohmygoodisthatguydead?" I said pointing to a passed out bleeding hero on the ground.

"No, help him up please." Izuku said to me. I nodded and picked him up. Shoto got the other side of him.

"We need rope... y/n do you mind?" Izuku asked.

"It's the least I could do since I'm here so late." I nodded and opened my hand. A long rope spawned in my hand. He grabbed it and Iida helped him wrap up the half dead hero killer.

"So... This is him?" I asked

"In the flesh..." Shoto groaned.

"He's kind of ugly. I was expecting some hot mastermind evil guy but instead I get Patrick the star but make it buff." I laughed. They joined in on my laughter. As we left the alleyway a few heroes caught up with us. Including Endeavor.

"Y/n! You're here!" He said happily.

"If hawk's sidekick asked, no I'm not here I'm helping fight some Nomus." I put a finger over my lips. The sidekick popped out from behind him with his arms crossed.

"You gave yourself up a few seconds into the battle. I asked you to teleport Tokoyami and yourself back to the agency after we finished up actually." He glared at me.

"Look dude I'm sorry. My friend sent his location and I had to help. Anyways he's back there. No thanks to me or you guys but he's out for the count." I sighed. "And these idiots might need some first aid..." I answered.

"That's not true. You provided a rope to tie him up. If we didn't find he he probably would've-" Izuku started to say as a flying Nomu picked him up and took off with him. Before he could get very far the killer broke out of his ropes and killed the thing. I guess it's lucky none of us thought to take away his knives. But he didn't try to kill anyone else. He froze in the process. He almost died there.


I was visiting my delinquent friends who almost commited a murder when a dog entered. Basically he said that Endeavour is getting credit for the arrest of the hero killer or we all go to jail. Even me since I still used my quirk without permission from a specified person. While that pissed some of us off we got off lucky. We could've died or gone to jail that day. So we were happy with the result. We went home a couple days later since I wasn't allowed to heal those dumb boys with a quirk. They were being punished for reckless behavior and trust me Sho and I heard an earful when we got back to Enji's house. I called it home for the time being. It was practically home anyways, I lived there, I was happy there, it was comfortable there.

After getting talked to we had to head to our training room. I guess as punishment we had to fight? He was an idiot of a father. After fighting and winning (he was out of commission with injuries) we went to our bedrooms and slept like babies.

The next day was school. Everyone was talking about their experiences but us four couldn't talk about Hosu. We had a retest of our quirks, a race really. I won my match of course but it was smooth sailing for us.

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