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"And this is your dormatories, ladies and men's bathrooms will be separate, the boys and girls dorms will be in opposite sides. The luggage and furniture has been sent to your rooms this morning so start setting up. Finally, don't mess this up." Aizawa said as he finished the introductions to our dormatories. They were new for the school to keep students and teachers safe since there were so many villain incidents.

"Got it!" We all said and started setting up our rooms. I used basically whatever was in my old room at Endeavour's household. It was retro and my style. There were cute old fashioned posters, a tv, DVD player, my wardrobe with my uniforms too, my bedsheets, and some figures to set up and I'd be done. I used super speed to do it because honestly taking my time was not my forte. Once I finished I headed over to Shoto's room to see how he was doing.

"Hey baby, finished already?" He said from the opposite side of his room. I saw he had a lot to do still. He was basically reverting his old room.

"Yeah, want help?" I asked.

"Nope. You can hang out in here with me if you want." He said before taking a drink of cold water.

"Too bad. I'm helping anyways." I smiled and got down on the floor to help him re-place his bed.

"You are too much. I don't want you over-exerting yourself." He said after placing the bed down. He caressed my cheek and looked at my eyes softly.

"We're supposed to work together. If we do it'll go so much quicker and then we can cuddle." I smiled cutely. He thought for a second and nodded.

"Ok, but you can't let go. Not even once." He said starting another task. "You work on folding my clothes please, then I'll do the decorating." He said. I agreed and got right to it while humming a little tune.

"What are you humming?" He asked.

"An older American song by Micheal Jackson. Why?" I asked

"I know it I think. Sing it for me?" He said still working on his curtains.

"No, I'm not that bold." I laughed.

"Please, it'll be so nice to hear your voice." He begged.

"Fine... but I'm putting it on the speaker." I said, I grabbed my phone and turned on Bluetooth. It automatically connected to his speaker, I turned on a playlist of older songs and sang along to the song from before. (You hadn't noticed but he would take a few second to watch you bop around to the music while you were folding his clothing) Soon you two finally finished the room and collapsed onto his bed.

"So cozy." I said snuggling into the mattress.

"We should shower. We're all sweaty from the work, go get your clothes." He said lifting me out of his bed and placing me on the floor.

"Ughhhhh fine" I sighed and went all the way around the other side of the hall to my room. We were both on the 5th floor so it was convenient for us to see eachother. Maybe Aizawa did that on purpose you wondered in your head as you mindlessly grabbed the first pyjamas set in your drawer, underwear, and a towel. You went to the girls shower room and started the shower, you soon heard Mina enter and turn on the shower to the second stall.

"Mina?" You asked

"Y/n is that you next to me?" She giggled

"Yeah, you sighed when you came in, what's wrong?" You asked as a genuinely concerned best friend.

"I'm struggling with my boyfriend. He's not really the one for settling down at the moment but I want him to not be a playboy..." she sounded distressed. You turned off your shower and went into hers to hug her.

"Y/n what are you doing?!?" She asked as a flustered mess.

"Hugging you. You seem like you need it." I said petting her wet hair. We were both naked but we've seen each other like this before so it didn't bother us too much.

"Do you think... do you think you'd be able to fabricate a quirk to change someone's soulmate?" She asked finally.

"What? I mean I probably could but it's not my place to play cupid... and I'd have to meet your soulmate and two people who are willing to switch..." I answered truthfully.

"I'm not thinking about it. I like him truly but I was curious." She said spunking up again.

"I'm gonna dry off and get dressed." I smiled and left to the lockers, still in the shower room. I saw MoMo getting undressed in there. She seemed disturbed by my presence.

"See you later girls." I yelled as I left the place.

"Yup, definitely." Mina waved.


We were having a contest for who had the best room. We visited everyone's dorms and each was exactly what we expected.

"I mean, it's very him. I kinda like it." I said referring to Kaminari's interesting room decor.

"You would like it." Ochacko said jokingly. When the voting finally came to an end Sato's room won. I personally voted for Kirishima because it was so manly but it can't be helped. Out of the girls, Jiro won. I loved hers too so I voted for her room.

Everyone had a lot of fun. However our permanent sleepover situation was not over. It wasn't too late but it was around 9. We decided we'd have some snacks.

"Hey y/n do you want to play dare?" Tsuyu asked.

"Sure! That'll be fun." I said happily.

"If she's playing so am I." Shoto said monotone. He was always monotone but when he was alone with me, his flat voice sounded sweetly emotional to me. Those of us who were playing sat in a circle. About eight of us and we started.

"Ochacko, you have to choose someone to kiss." Mina smiled.

"Well that's easy." She laughed and leaned to her sweetheart, Izuku placing a sweet peck on his lips. He wasn't playing but he was in the room. "MoMo you have to tell us the dirtiest thing you've created." She laughed evilly.

"I uh... well... a toy. A sex toy..." she admitted. "I got rid of it immediately after though cause it was too dirty for me." She blushed. "Umm, Minetta. Sit six feet away from the girls. Please." She said stoutly. He groaned and did so.

"Ha! Well y/n. I dare you to tell us what you and mina were talking about in the shower rooms." He snorted with a blush on his face.

"You pervert! You and I agreed not to spy in there!" Kaminari chopped his head, making him cry out in pain.

"That was a trick so I could have y/n! Hot body all for my eyes!" He said lunging at me.

"Don't harass my girlfriend or you'll actually be grape juice little boy." Shoto froze him to the ground.

"Thanks but I could've handled him myself." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Y/n your dare." MoMo said.

Pov change cause author-Chan can...

"Oh. I won't say names but someone asked if I could creat a quirk that could change someone's soulmate. Theoretically I can but I couldn't unless it was a dangerous situation for the party asking. And I'd need a second willing pair of participant who are willing to swap." You said with your finger in the air.

"Well that's unexpected..." Izuku commented.

"Yeah, anyways Kaminari. Do your hand stand walk thing!" You cheered and clapped excitedly. He did it and everyone was impressed by his secret talent. His shirt fell down revealing his body and you instinctively whistled to hype him up. It was how your friendship worked. You both boosted eachother confidence. Shoto didn't know that though and thought you two were flirting. He always felt his jealousy rise the most when you were around the electrifying boy. He didn't like it one bit.

He stood straight up with red on his face from being upside down and bowed, earning an applause form his classmates.

"Thank you very much. And for my next trick I'll make two class mates disappear. He smiled devilishly. "Shoto, my dear friend. You and y/n... upstairs. You have twenty minutes..." he suggested.

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